Home Forums General Lost Contact? Sir Bray – laird of Glencoe

Sir Bray – laird of Glencoe

Home Forums General Lost Contact? Sir Bray – laird of Glencoe

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    Mike bray

    😀 Wishing to meet the guys who were drafted in to change CT1 into a monster,yes you lot in Korea!We resided at the Commodore hotel in Pusan,took the barmaids out for nosh,wrote off a tennis star on 30 year old whiskey (Which he paid for),James,you were one of the few,Richard Leathley (Firestarter with me!!) an awfully NICE chap from SMD ( Great singing voice when stood on syntactic with a home made auger) and the "Other Loons" on dayshift.
    Many moons have passed,and all elements of my past life have evaporated,thankfully.I now live on a wee island on the west coast of Scotland,the only link to the mainland being by boat.
    Mobile range(Just) so am able to link into the internet,fishing GREAT,shooting very good,midges prodigious,and my wife of 10 years!
    Grow our own,shoot our own,and fish for the sea trout in season.
    Bought land in Glencoe, scotland,which will live on after me.
    Must attend to the grouse chicks ….Later!!

    Ewen Cameron Bray

    Glad to hear you are doing ok.

    don’t be worried and get in touch pls.

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