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Smoking and Rov

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Smoking and Rov

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    Muddasir Nazir

    Hi All,
    Is there any chance for smokers to become ROV pilot? I am asking this question because I am not sure one can smoke while he/she is offshore on a boat/rig.
    I love my cigarettes and have no intention to quit, no offence to the non smoker brothers and sisters.
    Also what sort of living conditions to expect when offshore, do you have to share the accommodation or you will get your single cabin or room?
    Accept my thanks in advance for your time.


    Scott Beveridge

    Yes, for the most part you can but there are strict smoking policies now. There are a few vessels and rigs that have banned smoking in the past but did a turn-around. You’ll find, much like onshore, there are designated smoking areas.


    As Scotbeve says, smoking is normally restricted to designated areas. You may also have to walk about 100 metres to said area as smokers on the one vessel I was on had to. Forget a quick smoke break if the ROV is on downtime, you’lle work your entire shift to get it going.

    Accommodation varies. At present I share my cabin with my shift back 2 back. So one of us is always on shift and the other has the use of the cabin. The cabin has an en suite shower and toilet but you could get anything from sharing with 6 Mexican divers on a barge with the few outside toilets overflowing and outside showers to a single cabin with en suite. Depends where you go. Make sure before you go as others do by checking what you will get. Many members here post to check.

    If you’re looking at becoming a trainee pilot, I would not be too fussy at first. Remember that at times you will be filthy and/or covered in O-lube grease, so if you like a clean job, ROV is not for you.

    Just browse this forum for examples and also check the Ships to be Avoided thread.

    Muddasir Nazir

    Dear ROVRatt and Scotbeve,
    Thanks a lot for your prompt reply, it looks like one can still be a ROV pilot and smoker. Actually I managed to secure a place in ROV course staring in Nov at Fremantle Tafe Perth.
    The statistical figures supplied by the institute are quite good, 87% students who did this course found employment within 1 month. I am not sure what is the current status of ROV industry in Australia, are they still taking trainees or not, keeping in mind the current global financial crisis?
    At the moment I have a secure job, bit of a mortgage and young family, not sure I am making the right move at right time.

    Best Regards


    Keep on Smoking 😀



    I am not sure what is the current status of ROV industry in Australia, are they still taking trainees or not, keeping in mind the current global financial crisis?

    For more info about Oz check out the Woodside project thread under General posts.


    Actually I managed to secure a place in ROV course staring in Nov at Fremantle Tafe Perth.

    The statistical figures supplied by the institute are quite good, 87% students who did this course found employment within 1 month.

    Just what are you smoking to believe that? the oil industry has a strict ‘no tolerance" and you do get drug screened. take care!!


    Hi Blackberad
    I am in the same course which is starting from Nov at Fremantle. I just smoke ordinary Cigarettes nothing dangerous. Yes the statistical figures look good but recently i have seen a post from a guy who did this course and still looking for the first job.
    Also keeping in mind the current financial crisis i am not sure that the Australian ROV market is still looking for new trainees at the moment.
    But still we are selected out of 33 candidates who applied for the course and only 7 places were available, as told by Bill Evans.
    Lets see what happens next.
    See you in a couple of weeks mate.


    Muddasir Nazir

    Thanks for the reply Blackbeard , I will keep your advise in mind. I tried to get into the Fremantle course without any luck.
    You and NewRov 1 are very lucky to secure place in this course, accept my congratulations. Hope you both will get the trainee job soon after finishing the course.



    What are the requirements for enrolement on this course? I’d really like to hope that technical qualifications are finally being considered.

    I’m constantly amazed at non- technical people paying huge amounts of money for training courses and hoping to walk into jobs in ROV. These schools are robbing you, making promises of work that they know don’t exist.

    To put it into perspective- would you do a basic home car mechanics at your local college (around a year with evening classes) and expect an immediate start at an Aston Martin garage? Your average work-class sytem costs upwards of £2.5 million these days.

    This rant has come as a result of going onto too many jobs with a non-technical trainee and a non -technical supposed sub-eng with two years experience (but he’s a nice lad and keen, therefore he’s been good at fetching/ carrying/ filling/ draining but has no idea about fault finding) and having to do everything myself.

    If you’re not technical either do an apprenticeship or spend a couple of years at college. There’s no way a couple of weeks at these schools can give you enough background in either hydraulicsl/ electronics to be of any use. Save your money.

    I recently went onto a job where no-one on the crew had more than 18 months ROV experience but they were all time-served techs. It was fantastic. Ops were a bit difficult at times but by far the easiest trip I’ve had for a long time. As soon as the vehicles hit deck they were on the case.

    This may sound harsh but it’s better to find this out now while your money is still in the bank. Too many of the technical lads are coming through the courses with stories of mates who paid the same money but had no technical background and haven’t worked yet.

    Do some research before you part with your money. The best resource is here. Check through the previous posts, and good luck.

    Bill Evans

    Actually I managed to secure a place in ROV course staring in Nov at Fremantle Tafe Perth.

    The statistical figures supplied by the institute are quite good, 87% students who did this course found employment within 1 month.

    Just what are you smoking to believe that? the oil industry has a strict ‘no tolerance" and you do get drug screened. take care!!

    You could try asking the source to find out why he is prepared to believe that Blackbeard. Or is it just easier to make an off-hand snide remark insinuating that it isn’t true? Would you like some facts to base your opinion on?

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