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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Sonsub

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  • #2367

    Can anyone tell me how good/bad Sonsub ( Houston TX) is as a company? ie: their training and overall quality of life for employees? I find this forum has a wealth of information and I would welcome and appreciate any constructive input, better to help me decide when the time comes. ❓

    James McLauchlan

    A few years ago, not long after the Katrina blow, I was working for Sonsub UK in the GOM (On some DP boat or another) and we ended up with a Sonsub USA system working with some of the USA Sonsub guys. It didn’t take long to realise that Sonsub USA are in a different league for sure!

    They say that a brief moment of fame hits everyone at least once in their lives, well that was my moment! It was an eye opening experience to actually be able to meet such hard working, competent, experienced, helpful and socially well adjusted people. The encounter left me in total awe!

    The US Sonsub management were treating their guys like shit which was totally uncalled for.

    Other than that… can’t see any problem 😉
    Good luck! You’ll need it :tup:


    Thanks Jamesmc good to know the team works/trains well hope the managment has changed for the better since then.

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