Sonsub Moves

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  • #1194
    Ray Shields

    Anyone know where Keith Robathan is off to? He leaves Sonsub in January. (and no, I dont think its to replace Dave McKay!!)


    maybe he is headed for Sonsub singapore office. Recently they lost 2 ops managers and the area manager in a very short space of time.

    i was the last to go. (i wasn’t pushed, i jumped)

    or maybe he’s going to replace doug at fugro who may or may not have left….oh no, i better not start that again but i couldn’t help it, just joking, sorry ray


    So who is left down in the Sonsub Singapore office now then?


    What’s wrong in Singapore, or don’t people want to stay in the office


    There’s a new jonny called Geoff Hopkins running the show out in Singas now… Nice fella but heard he is gradully assuming the usual grumpy Op’s manager persona..

    As for Ole Joel W… well rumour has it that he was misbehaving down at The four floors and his missus copped the arse and returned to Oz.
    This caused Joel to come off the rails and really hit the piss and the p****
    Best story so far …He drove his car home from Orchard after a night on the piss… But never noticed the wheel clamp until the next morning 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Still think it’s funny how Les Whitford managed to run the whole shootin match with two girls, a storeman and a taffy workshop manager… But since the Saipem takeover it takes about 20 managers and is about as efficient as Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe…

    In reality the problem with Sonsub’s Singapore operation is the dayrate and the reluctance to look after their key personel. hard to keep offshore staff and even harder to keep decent managers if you are only paying peanuts and provide poor expat packages..

    Scott Beveridge


    Houston office was the same 10 yrs. ago. Way too top-heavy. 🙄 🙄


    There’s a new jonny called Geoff Hopkins running the show out in Singas now… Nice fella but heard he is gradully assuming the usual grumpy Op’s manager persona..

    Geoff was a pilot tech less than 2 years ago so he must have been in the right place at the right time or depending on how you look at it the wrong place at the………………..

    Scott Beveridge

    😆 😆 😆 😆 ❗


    There’s a new jonny called Geoff Hopkins running the show out in Singas now… Nice fella but heard he is gradully assuming the usual grumpy Op’s manager persona..

    Geoff was a pilot tech less than 2 years ago so he must have been in the right place at the right time or depending on how you look at it the wrong place at the………………..

    Yeah promotion is fast in the new cuddley feeley war fuzzy oil field..
    Used to take a couple of years before you stopped being a fuckin trainee Now it zero to Op’s man in 2 years… Oh well best of luck to him.. I’ve heard alot of guys say he’s a good bloke.. but they said that about Ole JW till he was put in charge… 🙄



    if your refering to me again, i believe your previous comment was i wouldn’t give shit to the crows, you seemed to have mellowed


    Scott Beveridge

    😆 😆 😆 again…

    How long have you been in TH J??


    Those were the days(????) ! Either of you know if Patricia is still there in the office?? One of the few office staff in the industry I got along with / no probs… And no, haven’t been in contact with Sonners in a LOOOONG time.


    How long have you been in TH J??

    TH J ?????????????? sorry don’t follow.

    No Patricia in the Sonsub Singapore office anymore. The person there with the longest service is the lovely Ms Alicia.

    Some say that she is actually in charge and runs the place but the official title goes to Derek Alder.

    Scott Beveridge


    TH = Thailand and J is you’re initial of your first name (but I might be mistaken…)



    Re Sonsub Singapore.

    can anyone give us an update on the Singapore office. I haven’t heard from my contact there for ages. He must have spat the dummy and gone agency, like so many before him at sonsub singapore.

    reading on this site it sounds like the whole office has now changed out. So who’s in the line up now?
    Is it really true that they are now employing phillipinos on only 50 usd per day?
    Do you still have to be a mason to get anywhere there or has that changed with the new lineup?
    Is it true that they have lost a lot of their contracts since joelbert left? or are they still busy.
    How do their rates compare with the other leading players in asia, like canyon, doff etc (don’t even mention oceaneering asia.and their menagerie of peanut paid monkeys, they don’t count)

    also, whats the office line up at canyon singapore these days and how’s the rates.etc. I heard they are getting busier and starting to take on a few more free lancers and agency guys

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