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Sonsub Singapore

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Sonsub Singapore

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    Just heard that over 20 systems have been recalled to the depot in Singers. Guys are sat at home…..

    Anyone got some more info on this?


    What sort of sad misinformed clown would write such bollocks. A disgruntled loser that Sonsub wouldn’t employ. Maybe these current economic times have allowed the better companies to do some weeding??? 😉


    Yeah I heard they had systems going out soon. The rest are all alocated for work in the future.. No sweat just the usual Jan/Feb doldrums.. It’ll be too busy in a Month or so and everybody will be complaining about ‘no time off’



    What is your source for this info ?


    the source???

    err….as usual????

    " Bernies Bullshitter Bar and Grill" ???


    Saipem pulled the plug on a load of jobs in a panic to save money ,,, saipem own sonsub so so they also lose out as most of sonsubs work is related to saipem projects.
    Italien financial press has the details , an Saipem employees confirm it.


    Trainee2 – your ID certainly reflects the intelligence in your post – the forum title is ‘Guess what I’ve just heard’ just in case you were a tad confused.

    ROV_HAND – the source of the info is a Sonsub UK employee who’s brother is a Sonsub Singers employee sat at home.

    In light of further info it appears Sonsub don’t keep their employees very well informed. Further info ‘I just heard’ (Trainee2 trot off and wet the T at this point) Sonsub are recalling their systems to have them systematically replaced with Innovators.


    Wow 20 systems eh, guess that means that Trainee 2 will be at home cooling his heels. Cant say i recall 20 systems in the place but what would i know 😀

    Yes it would make sense to bring the Innovators over to Asia because they will be just so much more competitive price wise than those 15 yr old Tritons and Discos……….I am sure that Abz office are itching to swap out those pesky Innovators and get some of that 100HP Triton action going again. 😀 😀 🙄


    nah mate, old trainee 2 aint really the trainee you think he is. he saw the rot setting in a long time ago and bailed from sonsub a year ago. He’s sitting cushy at his new job and just having a bit of a dig and some fun at the expense of sonsub and some of his old cronies there.

    does seem a bit odd though ,that sonsub singapore are slow but canyon, neptune, oi, are doing ok (asia branches)…….maybe they need a decent marketing guy??? bring back gazza??? oh i forgot he ‘s pulling in shit loads of work for fugro asia now,…hmmmn. Who is doing his job at sonsub now….a nice talented phillipino gentlemam perhaps?
    (see i’m not like you guys , i’m fully P.C)


    Have heard that Canyon have 5 systems doing FA



    " canyon having 5 systm doing fa" , that’s a lot leass than what this fellow is claiming ss have laying around (i don’t believe it’s that bad from what guys told me)
    anyway wouldn’t you expect any company to have about 3 vehicles back at any one time , rotating through between jobs getting the tires kicked , paint job n repairs etc before going out again. So 5 vehicles would be only a little up on that, so not too bad compared to others ????????

    anyway i’m off for canyon soon, so they must be doing ok if i can get a job! (u know the drinking prob and all, but i maintain it’s not a prob as long as i can get it)

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