Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Safety/Survival Courses South Tyneside College – South Shields, UK

South Tyneside College – South Shields, UK

Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Safety/Survival Courses South Tyneside College – South Shields, UK

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  • #72
    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum

    Did my UK and Norwegian refresher here last year. 3 days – 450 quid. Good, friendly place with good instructors.


    Further to the above post, I’ve now done another refresher, Uk & Nor, at the centre. All as said before except, of course, the price has increased. Cost as at April 2005 was 580GBP.

    Pah!….half a days pay!!! 😉

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