Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Safety/Survival Courses Starting Job Offshore In April – MIST?

Starting Job Offshore In April – MIST?

Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Safety/Survival Courses Starting Job Offshore In April – MIST?

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    Robert Wallace

    Hello All, just new here as i was looking around on google about MIST and came across this site lol , anyways im starting offshore in april for the first time , going to sit my BOSIET and MIST at Falck Nutec in aberdeen in the next few weeks , could anyone possibly tell me if the MIST is pretty hard or if it has a certain % pass mark aswell? thanks

    James McLauchlan

    The course will not be hard. So don’t fret about that aspect.. other than the cost!

    As for the pass mark. No idea about the pass mark required on the course, if indeed there is one or is it just attendance? Anyone?

    I am aware that the on-line test (via Atlas Interactive) for those already working offshore, requires a 100% pass, so the system keeps re-tutoring/re-testing until you achieve 100% pass and then links the pass to your Vantage number. OPITO will then have you on record as being MIST compliant which any future employer can check if required.

    Ray Shields

    You must pass 100% however you just keep going over the sections you fail on until you pass.

    At least, for the online test.


    The course will not be hard. So don’t fret about that aspect.. other than the cost!

    As for the pass mark. No idea about the pass mark required on the course, if indeed there is one or is it just attendance? Anyone?


    I did the course in Dyce, Abdn a couple of years ago, there is a certain percentage to pass but I cannot recall the figure, but as with most classroom courses like this it is open book and open talk. As you are doing your BOSIET around the same time you will find that most of the MIST is already covered in this, as our instructor told us at the time you cannot use what you have done days before in your BOSIET to cover the MIST… Money spinner?!?!? 🙄

    Scott Beveridge

    From the OLF Canada thread same section (thread next to this one) James Mc replied:

    In response to 225

    I read somewhere a while back that North sea countries with offshore Oil & Gas operations have agreed to harmonise offshore survival training to make any offshore survival course, taken in any country, accepted trough the North sea region and ultimately do away with extra training or extra tickets for different regions.

    Let’s hope that all the "extra" safety courses will congeal together. Just my opinion, but people will get complacent to a degree if all these courses are forced upon us. What I would like to see is that top management take these courses as an annual requisite prior to getting their "bonuses" – such as the appalling news as of late concerning Transocean’s bonus scheme for the best safety record AS OF LAST YEAR, in the company’s work history!!!!!

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