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Subnetservices in Philippines Scam

Home Forums General Danger Zone! Subnetservices in Philippines Scam

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  • #3565

    Every one i personally take this course in subic philippines
    they are scam liar and cheat they steal my money , laptop , mobile
    don’t go there they are cheater

    beware this website scam steal your money

    Ray Shields

    Would you post some more information regarding your accusations so that others may understand it better?

    many others on here know of the training centre and it is serious to accuse them of stealing your possessions.

    Mark McGirr

    One thing I can say, is that they promise people jobs and send them home with their "in house" cert, saying that they are PTII.
    What absolute nonsense!
    Just because they are an IMCA member, doesn’t mean that they can issue a cert to say that everybody that goes through the school is PTII, Well, actually, they can say that; but it is up to the service companies to decide whether they accept that, and I don’t know any reputable company who would accept a guy fresh out of a training school, with no offshore experience an call him anything more than a trainee.
    Went a little off topic there!
    Basically, the certificates they are issuing, are a lie, and is stealing!

    Ray Shields

    One thing I can say, is that they promise people jobs and send them home with their "in house" cert, saying that they are PTII.
    What absolute nonsense!
    Just because they are an IMCA member, doesn’t mean that they can issue a cert to say that everybody that goes through the school is PTII, Well, actually, they can say that; but it is up to the service companies to decide whether they accept that, and I don’t know any reputable company who would accept a guy fresh out of a training school, with no offshore experience an call him anything more than a trainee.
    Went a little off topic there!
    Basically, the certificates they are issuing, are a lie, and is stealing!

    But this is also what every other Training School does; they tell you there is a big demand for ROV people and issue you with a piece of paper that says you have achieved the level of PT2 according to IMCA Guidelines.

    Neither is a lie. Yes there are a demand for ROV people – only experienced ones at the moment though. And the IMCA guidelines are so piss poor that it doesn’t take much to start their grade they call PT2!

    According to IMCA, entry level for a PT2 all you need to have is:-

    an offshore medical
    an offshore survival
    the Academic and industrial experience as listed in IMCA R002 which is:-
    a nationally recognised technical or trade qualification or military service qualification plus 3 years industry experience doing that technical work.

    Additionally, all of the following character traits are considered necessary, based on the nature of the work environment in the ROV industry:
     enthusiasm
     team player
     good oral and written communication skills in English (because this is the predominant language for manuals and technical information)
     demonstrated self-motivation
     practical ability
     common sense

    So there you go, this is what IMCA says you need to have to start off as a PT2. And you wonder why training schools give out pieces of paper saying you are one?

    James McLauchlan

    they are scam liar and cheat they steal my money , laptop , mobile
    don’t go there they are cheater

    beware this website scam steal your money

    What…. Subnetservices did all that???

    So what happened?
    Did Subnetservices take your money and not put you on the course?
    Did one of Subnetservices staff actually steal your laptop and mobile phone?

    If your Laptop and phone were stolen it may not have been an employee of the school, in which case you are wrongfully accusing Subnetservices. If you did attend the school and had your laptop and phone stolen by a third party and Subnetservices know about it then it will not take them long to figure out who you are so you may have some explaining to do to their lawyers in the near future.

    If what you say is true then call the police and report Subnetservices to them. If not, please explain why you have written this.


    Maybe it happened maybe it did not, probably the later. What I do not appreciate is this JERK spamming me with PM’s about it.

    Keep smiling


    Jerk subscribed to ROVworld June 2nd and made 1 post so far.
    In this post heshe accusses a company (Subnetservices) for multiple facts.

    So far he/she is not reacting to replies of other ROVworld members who are asking for an explanation.

    One ROVworld member writes that Jerk is spamming him by PM.

    I would suggest to close the account of Jerk if he/she is not giving a reasonable explanation of why he/she is accussing Subnetservices within 48 hours.


    Subnetservices are not enough trainee aliester not a professional trainor and melanie who work in offshore before is a gay too.

    They are not professional they trying but some their gadget are not enough too. Waisted my money 10,000 US dollar food are crap accomodation and bed dirty horrible smelly like dead rat like a jail

    Hard to get job too subnetservices not well known

    Robert Black

    I’m not sure that Melanie being a gay should have any bearing on her qualities as a trainer.
    They say one in five people in the world are gay. The thing is, there are five people in my family. My mum, my dad, me, my older brother Dave and my younger brother, Fifi Taloolah. I suspect it’s Dave. 😆


    I would suggest that your ‘Stevie Wonder’ approach to ROV and the fact you cant write c-o-n-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-v-e-l-y would be the main reasons that you cant get a job. Doing a course is sometimes productive but as long as its coupled with some sort of decent background that the company can use, not to mention an aptitude to learn. It wont help you if you are a senior meat technician (butcher) or public services tech (bin man)!… 😀

    Sorry to hear you had stuff nicked though as that is never acceptable.

    As a hint: If you want to complain about somewhere dont do it as you just did. I would explain but……no point 😉



    Technically, you are only gay if you push back and enjoy it. Besides it’s legal 12 miles off anyway.

    I should know.

    James McLauchlan

    Jerk subscribed to ROVworld June 2nd and made 1 post so far.
    In this post he/she accuses a company (Subnetservices) for multiple facts.

    So far he/she is not reacting to replies of other ROVworld members who are asking for an explanation.

    One ROVworld member writes that Jerk is spamming him by PM.

    I would suggest to close the account of Jerk if he/she is not giving a reasonable explanation of why he/she is accusing Subnetservices within 48 hours.

    I’m just back from a short trip the UK… no laptop with me so wasn’t tracking the Forum until this morning.

    I also agree with another poster.. what does it matter if someone is gay or not?? It’s bugger all to do with you supposedly being ripped off!!

    I agree with Ron’s suggestion. The member is not playing ball and therefore the account has been suspended.

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