Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Subsea 7 3rd quarter results

Subsea 7 3rd quarter results

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Subsea 7 3rd quarter results

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  • #3064

    Well the results are in and guess what they have made more than this time last year.

    What the ‘Feck’ is going on?

    The fatties at the top are getting fatter at the expense of the workers.

    Scott Beveridge


    Quit and take a bunch of guys with you. Join the RMT… do something to raise an eyevrow or 2!!!!

    James McLauchlan

    The fatties at the top are getting fatter at the expense of the workers.

    Nothing new there….

    For sure policy is now clear within SS7 (and other companies) on who, in the longer term, they may view as their UK sector workers and that policy probably doesn’t include you! I would be wary of their soothing tones of reassurance that the cull will not include you… just look around and see what has happened already!

    The current UK/EU sourced ‘workers’ have two options.

    • Hope it won’t happen and do nothing :tdn:
    • Realise it is happening already and try to help redress the situation :tup:
    • Actually, there is a third option…

    • You could protect your job (but not your pay) by applying for Filipino citizenship! ๐Ÿ˜‰


    James McLauchlan




    An oligopoly is a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers.
    In laymans terms the big boys are trying to drive doon the rates and make more money for the investors!!!!
    This equals less money in yer pocket…..


    Well the results are in and guess what they have made more than this time last year.

    What the ‘Feck’ is going on?

    The fatties at the top are getting fatter at the expense of the workers.

    I think you need to dry your eyes grow some brass —-.
    I’ve just stepped off the s club stage, best thing I did. It’s frustrating as hell to listen to you guys stamp your feet (It’s not fare). Vote with your feet and give the baby its bottle. They want flip flop crew then give it to them. I’ve realised don’t bust your balls training them up and make the transaction easy. There are people taking good guy’s on. Donโ€™t see the problem.
    S club is not the be all and end all of ROV trust me!

    Scott Beveridge


    Correct at the time of press! Grow some people!!!

    As in the 2nd post of this thread:


    Quit and take a bunch of guys with you. Join the RMT… do something to raise an eyevrow or 2!!!!

    There’s a (big boy) company in S’pore that has 3 empty TMS’s… Go ahead boys hire the cheap labor and buy the new vehicles to replace them!!!! THEN call us!!!!!

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