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Subsea Resources PLC

Home Forums General General Board Subsea Resources PLC

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    Does anyone have any useful up-to-date info on what is currently happening with Subsea Resources cargo recovery/salvage projects, other than the standard info available generally by searching on various websites, financial pages etc?

    Anyone who was working on their recent ‘Celia’ project and other jobs?



    Phone them as they are convening and EGM this month (or perhaps it’s already passed). I’m also very interested as I’ve been following their shares now for 12 months so if you find out, please post an update.



    Thanks for that, but was aware of this. I don’t think a general enquiry from joe public to the company would yield any additional useful info somehow!

    Hope you haven’t got shares as dealing is suspended at present pending them trying to secure refinancing! I didn’t buy any when they floated thankfully, though was considering at the time.

    I’m looking more for info from guys who were actually on any of the jobs and have any useful snippets or thoughts on the viability and future of the company from a technical/operational viewpoint, how they run operations, whats going on with their spat with Fugro etc.


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