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system selection

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions system selection

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  • #13871
    Andy Shiers

    Go for Seaeye 😀
    One other good reason 😯
    There are alot more people capable of fixing and flying them. 😕
    Scottbeve …………………………….. I disagree with your Rant there old chap 😕

    Scott Beveridge

    Go for Seaeye 😀
    One other good reason 😯
    There are alot more people capable of fixing and flying them. 😕
    Scottbeve …………………………….. I disagree with your Rant there old chap 😕

    You’re entitled to disagree dude. The point I didn’t make or forgot to put to screen is that I’ve been on quite a few early serial numbered vehicles and quite a few types. Saying that, there are so many variables concerning the reliability of vehicles no matter what the brand. I can recall a particular vehicle manufacturer that had put in pre-planned obsolesence (such as the many different models of cars in the US during the late 60’s through to the late 70’s…), another manufacturer (to date) that has many different vehicles with a built in glitch (and CAN’T patch the problem…), another major player that has had a history of vehicles with GFD alrms all the time, and yet again – the job I’m on at the moment – 2 new vehicles: one has had 3 failures (not finger, etc. error) and the other vehicle with some program glitches and clunky failures. Both of different manufacturers.

    Bottom line? What day was the vehicle made on? Monday or Friday? then don’t buy it!! QC is in place in practice but MAY not be enforced strictly due to time constraints and coinage. An increase of less experienced techs and an ROV manufacturing industry that is trying to meet it’s orders / delivery dates. You decide whether or not you want to hire a build manager whilst your vehicle is being built. It’s highly advisable.


    Scotbeve, do you mean like putting a company rep on the premises to oversea the construction of your vehicle? Pretty friggin good idea I think if you’re spending a shed load of cash.

    Scott Beveridge

    Scotbeve, do you mean like putting a company rep on the premises to oversea the construction of your vehicle? Pretty friggin good idea I think if you’re spending a shed load of cash.

    Yes indeed Savante. Ask how many times any of the forum dudes / dudesses have gone over to stay and watch one or more vehicles / systems being put together and have signed them off for delivery proper and see how many replies you get in relation to the amount of systems on the market. Always another problem is the amount of spares and bits one receives from a manufacturer. Way over-priced and over-packaged and sometimes too much superfulous crap. A person responsible for the sign off could do some research, locate some compatible (if not better) bits for much less. Alot of companies should have more of these people to ensure the QC is enforced. Another example: big player… received a container load of bits to assist build a system, DOUBLE green tags on almost everything, 30 – 35% of those bits couldn’t be used due to either being incorrect or defective. (this was many years prior to this present industry boom)


    It’s called Exceptance .
    Anyone who does not do it are Thick as short planks 😀


    FAT ! 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    It’s called Exceptance .
    Anyone who does not do it are Thick as short planks 😀

    Except that it’s called acceptance.
    Your dumb cousin

    Andy Shiers



    I was hoping it would prompt him to edit his post !!! 🙄

    Alex Kerr

    Sorry for my absence on this subject recently chaps, Bahrain is nice this time of year though!.
    An update on the topic!. Have managed to get them to free up cash for a panther plus, though may have to be a free swimming version in the first instance.
    Anyone had experience of this configuration, any pitfalls I should watch out for?.
    I will be in attendance during the build, fat and sat.


    none are so busy as the fool and foreman!.


    be careful if you are going off the side of a vessel. you want to make sure you’re not going to put high strain on the umbilical (say for example if you use a clump weight to hold the tether down to depth!). panther plus has a very good bollard pull for the diameter of the umbilical so whilst wear won’t be horrendous – it’s something to consider.

    wherbouts in bahrain matey- manamanamanamananma?

    Alex Kerr

    Cheers for that, all pointers welcome,
    As for location, mostly offshore, but in and out the diplomatic area (sometimes conditions are good). Working on recovery job.


    Alex Kerr

    This query is not on system selection but guys with input on that could maybe help out here.
    Anybody familiar with the TA40, it keeps locking out in the master train programme, only way to override it is to re-boot the computer but it only comes up functional on the second re-boot. manual is no help neither is the agent.
    Any ideas. 😕

    Andy Shiers

    I had the same last year on a contract 😯
    Problem is……………. I canna remember how we fixed it 😕
    I shall enquire for ye and send a PM

    Alex Kerr

    Cheers dude, appreciate it! 🙄

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