Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Telecommunications engineer

Telecommunications engineer

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Telecommunications engineer

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    Hello..I am looking for some advice on the relevance of my engineering background to the ROV world.I have over twenty years experience in the Telecommunications transmission field working most recently on fibre optic networks,DWDM,SDH,OTN,PDH systems and as a senior field commisioning engineer in the main.I may have an opportunity to get a start in the ROV field and I am just starting to gather information so as I can make a decision if the industry is right for me and vice versa..any advice on this would be a great help.Thanks in advance.


    You could probably walk straight into a job with Global Marine Systems Ltd located in Chelmsford UK becuase with this route you will be required to go from cable jointing to the ROV and bury the repair you just made. Its not the most exciting of the ROV world but it will have you familiar with repairing them as most have a very high reliabillity problem due to neglect poor maintenance and bad operators along with the fact that you are sand blasting a trench in the seabed so pumps bearings etc tend to get frequent water ingress.
    But any of the Offshore Fibre optic telcoms companies should take you on with your background and with a quick google search you will get the 5 or 6 main players. It will be your best route in as the oil & gas sector does not do too much fibre work the odd Umb reterm and a few tether reterms that once done are not to big a deal and such a small part of the overall work scope.
    If you had put your Location in your profile I could have tailored my response to you be where ever you reside in this world!!


    I agree with above post, you’d fit in fine with Global but remember you’d still be a trainee regardless of your past exp, but, probably would climb a bit quicker than others

    Good Luck!


    Thanks for the information i will look at the Global site…I am based in the North east of England..if you have any further helpful information.


    Hello..again..just wondering if you could give me the names of the main offshore telecomms companies which would be likely to be interested in my background.Thanks.


    CTC Marine is the closest to your location and is in the top 5 or 6

    There is Alcatel in France
    Pirelli in Italy
    etc etc just have a google you will find the major players or even use this site search engine for cable…….
    You could phone James Fisher Rumic Ltd they hire out the most cable Agency contractors for your discipline.

    James McLauchlan

    You could phone James Fisher Rumic Ltd they hire out the most cable Agency contractors for your discipline.

    I agree. Rumic would be a good bet if you get little response from the operators (direct).

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