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Home Forums Jokes! Have a Laugh! :) Thanksgiving

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    It is two days before thanksgiving, and there is a family of a man, a woman, and a young child.
    On the second day before thanks giving, the young child walks in on his parents arguing,
    His dad says "You bitch", and his mom Says "You bastard",
    and the young child asks, " What do those names mean mommy?"
    and she says "Ohh umm those just mean Lady and Gentleman."

    The next day, one day before thanks giving,
    the young child walks in on his mom and dad fooling around.
    His dad says, "ohh yeah you have nice tits" and his mom says "ohh yea you have a nice dick"
    and the little child asks, "what do those mean daddy?"
    and the Dad says "Ooooohhh ummmm… a dick is a hat, and a Tit is a coat"

    The next day, the day of thanks giving,
    The young childs mom is down stairs cutting the turkey, she cuts her self and shouts "FUCK!!"
    and the young boy asks her what that word means and she says "Ohh umm that just means cutting the turkey."

    Then the kid walks in on his dad shaving, the child startles his dad by tapping him on the shoulder and the dad cuts him self with his razor.
    He yells "SHIT!!". The young boy asks what that means, and the father says, "ohh umm that is just the type of shaving cream i am using".

    Then suddenly the doorbell rings and the dad tells the child to go answer the door.
    Upon opening the door, the child sees all his abstract relatives that came over for thanksgiving dinner.
    As an introdutcion the child says,
    " Hello bitches and bastards, hang your tits and dicks on the coat rack, my dad is up stairs wiping shit off his face and my mom is fucking the turkey."

    Andy Shiers


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