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The Name: IROVA (International ROV Association)

Home Forums ROV International ROV Related Associations The Name: IROVA (International ROV Association)

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    James McLauchlan

    In another thread (set up for input into the design of a logo for IROVA) some members started to debate the name of the IROVA and suggested other options.

    Some excerpts are as follows:

    By the way, do we have any preference as to whether its REMOTE Operated Vehicle, or REMOTELY operated Vehicle? I’ve seen both terms used before….

    Here in the US at least, ROV’s are commonly regarded as "REMOTELY operated vehicles".

    And lastly, shouldn’t it be the "International Association of Remotely Operated Vehicle Pilots", "International Remotely Operated Vehicle Pilot’s Association" or something similar? After all, the members of the association are humans not robots. 😉

    With reference to the above, what about "Association of Remote System Engineers & Supervisors" ? 😉

    Seriously though, I like the suggestion of people over equipment in the name.

    I like KreuzOps suggestion but look at the acronym of it…..ARSES. 🙄

    Interesting…it would definitely catch peoples attention.

    All joking aside….. (We have another section for that).

    Why is it when many weeks have passed since the name IROVA was fist announced, a domain name has been registered.. (also weeks ago), email addresses under that domain have been set up (as indicated in the forum) and official registration of the IROVA is under way, people start to debate the name of the association?

    What happens if the name were to be changed as suggested .. and someone comes alongside in a couple of months time and suggests some other name? Do we then start debating that?

    Call the association by any name and it will equally not please all.

    By adding the word Pilots into the equation it appears to limit the association to ROV Pilots alone… so where do all the other people the other people that are not pilots but work closely with the ROV industry fit in?

    Here in the US at least, ROV’s are commonly regarded as "REMOTELY operated vehicles".

    You’ve got me confused there (sometimes easy) because a press interview with a US ROV pilot they clearly stated that in the US they call ROV’s Fish! 😕

    There are plenty of associations named after the topic of the vocation/equipment used, rather than the people that use such equipment.

    For example…
    International Air Transport Association
    International Yacht Racing Association
    International Sailing Craft association
    International Association of Public Transport
    International Bar Association

    I’m sure the members of those association are humans and not Ships, Aircraft.

    I say stick with the base name and move on….

    …..or we’ll be here dithering around forever, like the ROV in general when it comes to organising anything for themselves.
    Months form now we’d still be in discussion on a name for an association that would never get off the ground because we can’t even agree on a name in the first place.

    James McLauchlan

    By the way, do we have any preference as to whether its REMOTE Operated Vehicle, or REMOTELY operated Vehicle? I’ve seen both terms used before….

    IROVA could stand for

    Remotely Operated Vehicle Association
    Remote Operated Vehicle Association

    On a google search it appears that Remotely Operated Vehicle comes up more often than not.

    In which case it would make more sense to run with that.

    Either way.. IROVA would remain unchanged.

    Robert Black

    In respect of the name question, way back when IROVA was first discussed on here, there was plenty of time for all to debate a suitable name. It has been clear for some time now that to anyone reading these forums that IROVA was pretty much set in stone with regard to domains and e-mail addresses.
    Apologies, I was being flippant and was by no means trying to ‘monday morning quarterback’ the hard work going on in the background.

    James McLauchlan

    Thanks for your input.

    You are quite correct about the time given to debate the name. That opportunity has been and gone… Lets move on and get the job done…..


    My apologies again. Looks like I picked up on the topic very late in the game, I had no idea that the name had already been debated, resolved and decided upon. I had a bit of time to spare so I tinkered with a logo design for fun. If what I posted is counter productive to the objectives here, feel free to delete them.

    James McLauchlan

    NCUWI, No worries and thanks for your input.


    There wasn’t a specific thread (such as this) on naming the IROVA, but equally the name was discussed plus anyone was able to debate that point any time. At the time, once the name was out, it seemed to be accepted without objection so, rather than labour the point and stall proceedings, it stuck.

    I do see the difference between Remote and Remotely plus it does appear that Remotely is the word in more common use on the net.
    It would make sense that the IROVA founder clarifies if we can ‘adjust’ the full name to International Remotely Operated Vehicle Association as Opposed to International Remote Operated Vehicle Association
    To that end I have sent him a PM on the matter.

    If there is no official Association registration issue on that I will add a quick poll to this thread to see what the majority of potential members would prefer to see but it’ll need to be a quick poll to save stretching this out over too long a period.
    If there is an issue then it may have to remain as is, which I’m sure many may agree, is hardly an issue in it’s own right.

    Whatever the outcome the acronym still remains as IROVA so any minor changes will have no bearing on the registered domain name, website URL or email addresses for the Association.


    I rather like the name "IROVA", mainly because you can say (and think) it as a single word – i-rover (or even eye-rover which works nicely for inspection vehicles!)

    Most other suggested names make for ugly and unwieldy acronyms.

    Besides, the name does nicely include concepts of ROV, international and grouping together, which think is what this is about.

    I wouldn’t like to see the name limit the scope of the organisation to, say, just pilots – I’m very keen for this to be open to companies, research organisations and people who work in related industries (such as AUVs or ROV manufacturing), as well as pilots, supers and others who work at the sharp end.



    @Lemmin & James – You fellows have made a good case for keeping it IROVA. I was probably being a bit too picky and can see now your reasoning is sound. As for the number of people who know what a "ROV" is, if there’s anything good that’s come out of the GOM mess, it’s that a lot more people know what the heck an "ARR OH VEE" is. Just the other day I was trying to explain what I do to someone using my normal "it’s a robot that works underwater" when they stopped me and said, "Oh, you mean an ROV?" 🙂

    James McLauchlan


    Cheers for your response. If there is anything good that can come out of the GOM issue (from our point of view) it may be that us ROV types might finally be starting to get our global act together.


    Hi Guys,
    have been away a couple of days and only just seen this.
    With regards to the website and registration,both are underway and a decision between remote and remotely is needed very soon ie in around one week.
    I am happy with either name and therefore will go with the most popular between remote and remotely .

    James McLauchlan

    I am happy with either name and therefore will go with the most popular between remote and remotely .

    A poll has been added to this thread… no matter of you have posted or not your vote will be appreciated.

    I’ve voted already.


    Gents things are starting to move and therefore I will register our association as IROVA International Remotely Operated Vehicle Association.

    Congratulations on our first democratic decision for our association may it be the first of many.

    The next small hurdle is the badge/logo.Very soon I will need this for the formation.No pressure guys but some of you artists ( not piss ) out there put this thing together and finalise it please.

    Heres to the future

    James McLauchlan

    I have been advised that the name International Remotely Operated Vehicle Association (IROVA) has been settled on and is the one being processed for official registration.

    Therefore, further debate on a name for the association is now a mute point.

    This thread has been locked

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