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TMS Pedals

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    Ray Shields

    I had a discussion recently about an ROV Simulator. I said the TMS pedals were the wrong way round. I was asked what is normal and isn’t it just a personal preference.

    Now I have not worked with a lot of TMS systems, but those I have were all the same. Left pedal was tether in (like the brake of a car) and right pedal tether out (like an accelerator).

    I felt the sim should be as realistic as possible to help the trainee get used to the pedals without having to think about it.

    So, from everyone elses vast experience, which is more common, right foot tether out? Which systems do the opposite?

    Paul Bond

    Why not just have one pedal that does both? Saves buggering about wondering which pedal your foot is on half the time.


    Hi Ray, what systems that I have been on that had pedals were all the same. Left pedal was Tether in and Right was tether out. Cheers

    Ray Shields

    Why not just have one pedal that does both? Saves buggering about wondering which pedal your foot is on half the time.

    Have you worked with any system with this? What Im wondering what is the most common tms control system. Its a matter of getting used to however the pedals work – i.e. not having to think about it but doing it automatically.

    Would you not then have to think is it toe for tether our or heel? No diff. to having to think which foot to push.



    Most systems I’ve been on over 20 years would be right pedal for tether out. However I’d have to say that joystick tether in/out is easier to use (pipeline mode, feet up…) and of course the old Recon with a separate joystick to one side was also good (Left stick tether out, right tether in, down vert down, up vert up).

    I think longer term going with on joystick would be a winner. Less crap to go wrong.

    Scott Beveridge


    AND more comfortable!!! Also seen many a pilot keep on tethering in or out cuz’ they’ve forgotten that they’re pressing a foot swich 😆 😆 😆

    Side preference??? Shouldn’t matter a goddum however, how does one naturally say the words in and out – in what order? There’s also that semi-deviate but oh-so-true song by The Who (youguns’ can look it up on the web) "She goes……….." 😉 😉


    I didnt think you could reach the pedals from the bridge Axeman. Hows that Bourbon going mate anyway……nice and "dark" i heard.



    Sorry Axe I just re read your post and you are wrong about the Recons bro and it doesnt make any sense to your last post about right foot tether out….. why would left joystick on a Viper be tether out???

    Think it was left joystick tether in/ right joystick tether out.

    Anyway the last time i saw you on a Recon mate it was with Mikeeee and you on one shift, and me and the Kiwi sea dog on the other I believe. I remember after 9 hours straight flying i ran back from pissing like a fucking horse in the moonpool to find the seadog had it wrapped all around the Manulli line……ah memories.

    😀 😀


    All PSL vehicles (XLS / XLX) use foot pedals right side in left out. To be honest, I prefer more controls on the joystick as per Oceaneerings vehicles, except their stupid joystick vertical control.
    If you want to check out a sim, get a shot on a XLS or XLX, the ones we have at ISS are damn good.


    seaeyes – three point tether in/out – on the top side control unit, on the joystick, on the pedals.

    It’s probably the only triple redundant system at sea??? 😆

    Then again, I’ve seen a joystick dropped and broken, we’ve cut the pedals control cable when we pulled the shack control desk forwards…… perhaps it’s a prudent measure afterall.

    Feet either side of the main video monitor is the best. Forget the pedals. 😯


    Funny how no one has made the connection between your car (4×4 truck here in Vancouver) and vehicles…when you want to go any where in your car your right foot is down on the gas pedal….NO?

    Even for you lot who drive on the wrong side of the road the right gas pedal is still your "what adventures await my chariot today"

    Kris Stow

    I have supervised both the Triton XLS and XL (currenlty with XL15) and I have seen both ways on the pedals. I have found on my XL that the best way was to wire the stills trigger on my joystick for the tether in and out. Let me tell you it has made a world of a diffrence and much easier. I have left he pedals installed on the floor to help with training others for the fleet or people that have been using them.

    As from Perry’s factory settings on the XL the pedals are wired as follows:

    Scott Beveridge


    Once again, the problem with the radio mic switch is that some people fly white-knuckled all the time and would just freeze on that switch in or out. Always liked having a mom. 2 way toggle switch near all the other switches on a Perry panel except for the fact that people have broken them as well thinking that if you push it harder, it will go faster!



    Large dictionaries, mics and where to buy your ROV from……

    You’re quite a hand shandy. Yank by any chance?

    Andy Shiers


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