Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner To old to begin the Training???

To old to begin the Training???

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner To old to begin the Training???

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    It isn’t right though 👿

    Andy Shiers

    If an ROV company needs trainees then they only have to look at the C’V’s coming through their letterbox .
    But if they need a ‘Stand-in’ because they are slightly over stretched for crew leave YOU believe that they would be satisfied going to an Agency and getting a greenhorn and the people offshore will be happy that a greenhorn is coming out to assist them in running a 24 hr contract 😕
    What planet do you come from friend ?
    Just curious , of course but I thought the whole idea of an agency is to provide people ( stand-ins ) on an experienced level whether it be an ROV/Pilot tech or an accountant or a company receptionist that can do ‘short-hand’ !
    Why should the ROV industry be any different than any other business 👿 It puts a strain on the rest of the team , blaa blaa blaa blaa …………………… There is a better way to get ‘Greenhorns out there and trained but going through an agency is not helping the situation !
    Lying about how much experience you have on your Resume will not help you if you are found out , Which has happened on a few occasions and I will , if I am the capicity to do so on a particular job , Blacklist the culprits because it is not helping me , the job or the other team members 👿


    The point I am making is to get out there you do everything at the start of your career to get in be it agency or company or a friend at the local masons lodge.

    Once you are there then it is up to the individual to prove themselves. I am not telling anyone to lie on C.V.’s or pull the wool over anyones eyes.

    As I said it worked for me so I personally do not see a problem with it if it is all done honestly. It also gives the company a good chance to look at the individual in the working environment not just on paper. If they are good enough use them again if not well thats unlucky for the individual but at no point do I condone telling lies on paper or verbally.

    The industry is overwelhmed by work at the moment so take what you can get is what I say where ever that work comes from.


    If that’s the case then "Greenies" can get a proper job with a ROV company easily and stop buggering the freelance circuit up with inexperience and level out the rates 👿
    Cos as it stands at the moment , Half the raeson why the rates fluctuate so much ……………….. IS BECAUSE OF INEXPERIENCED PLANKS 👿


    What a load of rubbish.

    Companies set there rates then the agencies try and pay as little of that rate to the techs as they can. Newbies get the least working up to people who have been around for a while who know the rates getting the most.

    Some agencies claim to have rates agreed and set at the start of the year with the companies.

    Seems to me though that one way of ensuring your C.V. gets to just about every major player is off an agency sending it out for you.

    I have only expressed my own personnal experience. I thought that is what this site was about obviously not.

    Seems yet again people with an opinion or an ajenda are offerring thoughts on a subject with no substance to back it up.

    IF AN AGENCY CAN GET YOU YOUR FIRST JOB THEN WHY NOT? That is my question of the day.

    Fair enough if you have no idea of the industry but after a training course at FW or MCTS you at least have a basic idea of what is going on probably as well as most company trainees in fact from what I read on here most company trainees are trained by MCTS or FW with the obvious exception of Oceaneering.


    Luckjim37 your quote

    The industry is overwelhmed by work at the moment so take what you can get is what I say where ever that work comes from.

    Conflicts it’s self
    IF there is sooooooo much work around , as you say there is then the ROV companies will be more than willing to take on Trainees because in the long run it saves them money.
    If a’Trainee’ or ‘Greenie’ or ‘Greenhorn’ having constantly sent his/her C/V to a company screaming out for personnel because there is "Loads of work" and does not get the job then the ROV companies feel that the job interview or C/V is not to their liking. There for not an ideal candidate for ROV work ,either techinically or not a team player.
    Why should that same person go on a ‘Freelance circuit’ Where you would expect experience and pay for it !
    It seems you are the one talking aload of rubbish

    Andy Shiers

    Give that man / woman a cigar 😀
    Now someone is talking comonsense for a change.
    And again I will say Lucky Jim I have nothing against trainees , I have trained up a few and have no prob’s but as additional to the team or as an apprentice salary ……………. NOT as an agency person ! That is insulting and also cruel to the poor barstewards that have to go out with them.


    From past experience of one ROV company. They had a policy of maintaining 60% agency/freelance staff. This was so if it went quiet they did not have to fire the core of the company.

    Also if they employ trainees they have to train them and fit them into teams.

    The advantage to the company taking the occasional agency trainee is that they get to give them a trial run cheaply without any initial training costs to themselves and no commitment to hire them.

    I would run out of fingers if I listed every trainee I have come accross who is good on paper and crap in reality.

    Even with probation periods some people might only do half or one trip offshore so what is the point.

    Fact is there are trainees who get starts through agencies so why discourage it if it gets a half decent guy into the system. All this crap about working for a company and following company training is bollocks anyway.

    Most of the guys I have worked with over the past three years have been agency anyway the last job I was on it was almost 50/50 company to agency.

    I like most agency workers turn up with the same attitude as the company guys which is to get the job done with the least amount of hassle and keep the system running sweet.

    I reckon a lot of agency personnel are keener to make improve and maintain systems than a lot of company staff especially if they are not regular due to it being new to them and the set in the way regular members tend to get a little lazy over time.

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