Home Forums General Danger Zone! Today I was emailed by the MD of Fedex!

Today I was emailed by the MD of Fedex!

Home Forums General Danger Zone! Today I was emailed by the MD of Fedex!

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  • #3407
    James McLauchlan

    Yep…. I am soon to retire as a very rich person by the looks of it! :tup:

    He has a cheque for me to the value of $1,000,000 among other things.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Mr. Kenneth James [mailto:paimiuttraditional@gci.net]
    Sent: 01 April 2010 14:46
    Subject: Attention..

    Attention ‘AttentionAttention’

    This is to notify you that your parcel is still in our possession, this
    parcel contained an International Cashier Bank Draft / Cheque worth the
    sum of $1 Million dollars only and it is ready for delivery to your door
    step.Mean while, before the delivery or shipment will take place, you
    are advice to send to us the following datas mention below:

    1.Your Name

    The above requested informations will enable us deliver your parcel
    correctly without any mistake or delivering your parcel to a wrong
    person.Furthermore, you might be asking yourself how come this email,
    cheque or draft, Anyway, your cheque was brought to this office by a
    Lottery Fudiciary Agent Or Claim Agent, signifying that you are a
    rightfull winner to their Lottery Award selected randomly from 10 lucky
    email addresses which your email address is one of the lucky email
    address. FedEx courier service company mailing you as per your parcel
    that was brought tothis company to be delivered to you by lottery
    groups, along the delivery process that brought a misunderstanding
    between you and the lottey claim agent and in regards of their request
    as per their insurance certificate cost and tax fee which happened to be
    the course of your parcel being pending for the past months / one year.
    Mean while we are hereby happy to inform you that the FedEx Company has
    finalized everything with the nicon insurance company of Nigeria and
    the internal revenue office as the company organization has also listed
    24 valuable parcel to be intact in their office after the released of
    the parcel from the nicon insurance company and internal revenue office.
    We are happy to inform you once again that your parcel that contains the
    sum of $1million dollars is among the 24 parcel listed which is now in
    our office and also with your name as thereceiver despise that we lost
    your private residential address, which is an indication that you can
    now re-send your residential address, telephone as stated above back to
    the FedEx company where your parcel can be delivered to you without
    hesitation with this e-mail (office.fedexdelivery@yahoo.com.hk) Mean
    while remember that the sender of this parcel to you that the fudiciary
    agent still owes this company the sum of $295USD before incident occurs,
    know you that this company has spend out of their incomes in the process
    by recovery back your parcel so dear customer we once again appreciate
    your patronage in our favour. Without hesitations you are to pay for
    just the balance left by your sender since we have lost his contact.via
    western union so that your parcel can be delivered to your residential
    address before it accumulate a demurrage after one week only, as you
    know your parcel is not just an ordinary parcel but with a huge amount
    and I think you understand wath I mean by accumulating a demurrage?
    Which you will not allow to happen to your recovery parcel that almost
    gone if not for the love that the good God have for you by favoring you
    with his favour because it was God who did it not by your power but by
    the spirit say the lord. We assure you that your parcel will arrive at
    your country in two days time and it will get to your door step the
    third day as soon as this company receive the balance left by your
    sender and the tracking number of your parcel will be sent to you via
    e-mail immediately so that you can track it yourself to see your parcel
    coming on the way and you will also know when it will arrive at your
    country because we operate in trust and loyalty in your favour. And also
    the FedEx Courier Service Company is hereby to inform all their
    customers by eradicating all their communication with the scam mails
    that are going all over the world be careful with their e -mails so that
    your parcel will not be in danger with their evil plans. FedEx provides
    access to a growing global market place through a network of supply

    transportation, business and related information services.

    RECIEVERS NAME —— Mike Anderson
    MTCN NUMBER ………………….

    Please you have to send the full payment information and the scan copy
    of the payment receipt for we to fully proceed on your delivery FedEx is
    one of the world’s great success stories, the start-up that
    revolutionized the delivery of packages and information. In the past 30
    years, we’ve grown up and grown into a diverse family of companies-a
    FedEx that’s bigger, stronger, better than ever. Call me:

    Telephone : +234-805-351-5210
    Email: office.fedexdelivery@yahoo.com.hk



    Scott Beveridge

    Cheeky!!! 295 as well!!! Got to give em’ credit – got brass ones!

    JL Schnabel

    They might have ‘brass’ but typical shite spelling / grammar ❗



    It is amazing. Over the last 6 months the amount of my relatives that have died, intestate, and need ing people to move the money out of various countries. What is more amazing, I dont know any of them, and they do not even have the same surname as me.

    How the **** do these laweyrs manage to trace me when I have no link to the deceased?
    Another puzzle is why they have emails that are linked to yahoo, hotmail, etc and other domains rather than a legitimate business domain.
    It puzzles me but apparently I am going to be rich and therefore stupid enough to send them all the details they reqjuire.

    Get real fuckheads!!

    James McLauchlan

    Sadly, some idiots must respond and hope they will get rich quick!

    Like you say.. bad spelling, free webmail addresses… etc. All obvious give-aways.

    JL Schnabel

    At times they even include a so called "virgin princess" to go with the whole deal and there’s an attached picture so you can see for yourself, that she’s really real ❗ ❗ ❗

    (and remember kids, there’s no such thing as ‘easy money’)

    😛 😈 🙄 😉


    I have won the Canadian, UK, Irish, European, Yahoo and several other lotteries several times over the past months. I showed the guys my emails offshore and they wanted to know what I was still doing working offshore.

    Every time some African despot dies or gets locked up like Charles Taylor, their relatives manage to make contact with me offering me millions to help them get money out of the despots country.

    There is a 419 website where you and other like minded people can get together and scam the scammers or just waste their time by dangling the carrot with all sorts of difficulties for them to sort out for you before you can help them. Some guys have even got money out of them for postage and then posted worthless documents.

    JL Schnabel
    Mark DuPriest

    "Computer fraud experts said last month Brazil was now the global capital of hacking and internet fraud."



    Last Updated: Thursday, 21 October, 2004, 14:37 GMT 15:37 UK

    so a tad out of date I think……

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