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Too old??

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Too old??

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    Ok…..I have read the noobie FAQ,s but I do need some advice………..even if its blunt and painful. 🙂

    Considering the ROV course at FM. Background……….HNC, hydraulics ( underground coal mining ) . I keep current online with stuff about hydraulics but thats about it. Previously worked as a rousty for 4 years before it started to wreck my marriage.

    Anyway…………marriage wrecked now. Am I too old to get back in as a ROV trainee? I,m 51. 🙁


    The best advice I can give is……….
    Get your CV sorted
    Email it to as many companies as you can find
    Back it up with a courtesy call
    Or get yourself around the companies personally(mostly ABZ) and ask to speak to somebody of importance.NOT the secretary!even if she does make a nice cup o tea!
    I know of quite a few trainees over 50 who were ex RAF taken on by companies.
    I would do this before forking out on a course………….


    Would like too have some old guys who will get stuck in at 50 plus from civvie street than some 50 year plus guy from the RAF who has been a squadron leader and wont sqrub decks or any thing below him. Peck away and if you want it enough it will come your way. I have just done a trip with a 50+ ex fisherman and at least he had a bit of common sense regards sea hazards.

    Good luck


    CV will be sorted by tomorrow.

    Thanks for responding. Thought I would ask the question before possibly wasting my time.

    Thanks guys.

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