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Trainee Pay Rates

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Trainee Pay Rates

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  • #6440

    Hey everyone,
    I’ve tried looking up in searches but still can not find what Trainees get payed in the different areas of the world. I’m mainly looking in the North Sea area, but if others working in other areas around the world could also post the trainee pay rate.

    So that it’s easier for no only myself but also all other trainees could you also say if it’s US dollars/Pound/Aus Dollar.

    Thanks for your help guys.

    P.S. I have looked up the in the ROV Pay Rate spreadsheet but they only have pay rates for trainees in Australia, not the rest of the world.

    michael kilby

    Over a 12 month period on trainee rates I would have earned approx 35000 british pounds before tax working n sea for a company called fugro

    Cant break it down as its a consolidated contract that guarantees 10 days offshore a month meaning you always get paid a set amount every month whether you are offshore or not. I was taking home just over 1800 after tax every month.

    From what I hear fugro are average payers

    Hope this helps


    I don’t wish to be rude but that is rubbish money for an offshore job. It’s less than a roustabout gets for a 50/50 rotation.
    A trainee mechanic gets £55k ish rising to £75k ish when qualified.

    michael kilby

    Not arguing.

    Just answering the question.

    Personally I’m happy with the money as it’s a career I want to continue in untill retirement.

    I’ve just done my first 6 months and been promoted to pilot 4. I would now earn aporox 40k before tax at this level in a year.

    However I should get promoted every 6 months up to pilot 1, each promotion is approx 5k extra per year. So in another 18 months I’ll be on approx 55-60k.

    Not great money. But it is a career I want to do and once I I get past junior pilot and into sub eng/supervisor levels then the money (if that is your main concern) gets bigger and better


    Good call mate.
    We all spend a large percentage of our lives at work so being happy in your job is the No1 priority.
    I know a few people who hate their, well paid, jobs and are well on their way to being the richest occupants of the graveyard!
    However, the real cabbages are the people who hate their low paid jobs! I know a couple of them as well.

    Ray Shields

    From one of the previous posts, a year ago Fugro in Aberdeen were paying a new start Trainee £16.5K salary / £90 per day offshore / £35 onshore a year ago.

    As Teamonkey says, you generally get promoted 6 months after that and then every 6-12 months.

    Unfortunately, ROV is one of the lower paid jobs offshore (but still above catering and cabin cleaning!).

    chris rawnsley

    Just out of interest Teamonkey, what kind of shifts are you working as a trainee? and also is all travel covered etc.. im currently on the hunt for a position and not too worried about the money, like you its a career im after! ive heard some places are 2/2 others 5/5 but wondered how it was as a trainee..

    chris rawnsley

    Just out of interest Teamonkey, what kind of shifts are you working as a trainee? and also is all travel covered etc.. im currently on the hunt for a position and not too worried about the money, like you its a career im after! ive heard some places are 2/2 others 5/5 but wondered how it was as a trainee..

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