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Training course in Philipines

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Training course in Philipines

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    I pointed them in this direction and told them they should take a look, but in and clear some miss-informed facts up before others get the wrong information.



    Avoid training schools, if you havent got a technical back ground, dont bother.

    If you are packing qualifications, apply directly to companies and see what they say.

    Ray Shields

    So far all the feedback on the Philippines course has been very bad. Definately one to avoid then.

    Ok, Thanks for that advice ray/rovworld

    read back the messages on this thread and from others. The feedback from them is that the course is NOT worth the money. There is a training school in Freemantle, Australia which has had some good feedback. They also help you get a job after the course according to reports.

    Ok, I guess I should contact these guys?? Have you these reports so i can see what ROVWorld base their advice on?

    Hi ROVWorld LDA,

    I in the process of finding a course.

    I am planning to take the philippines course, I have heard good things (I don’t take forums too serious, you never hear the good things, only posts by guys who had a bad time for 1 reason or another).

    I lucky enough to be on holiday in ph now, and have taken a day or 2 to check things out, the info on this board is a bit conflicting with the actual facts as far as i can see.

    I see your post, you being part of the webteam and part of the ROVWorld LDA company (who has rov services similar to subnet) , is ROVWorld LDA implying that I should not do business with subnet??

    Thats the impression i am getting from RovWorld.

    I have spoken to subnet, the girls there were very helpful, and I see the course syllabus, it follows IMCA guidelines.

    I pointed them in this direction and told them they should take a look, but in and clear some miss-informed facts up before others get the wrong information.




    it may be the way you are putting it in English, but you seem determined to get someone to say that this forum officially states that the course should not be done. This is not the case.

    ROVWorld LDA is a seperate company, this is a public open forum where anyone may post messages. That company has only just been set up, this forum has been about for years. I am not employed or paid by anyone to do with this forum, I an an unpaid volunteer.

    The "reports" are already here on the forum – they are posts by people who have done the course and they are the ones who state that the course was not worth while. As I said "read back the messages on this thread and from others. The feedback from them is that the course is NOT worth the money."

    You may choose to believe the messages you read on here, you may not, this is up to you.

    Are you connected in any way with Sub Net Services?


    To be honest Ray I was starting to think the same thing, is this guy/gal on the subnet staff.

    I did the subnet course over a year ago and although I am working away I know that I did not get the start because of the 3 weeks clowing around with a navajo. I know this because my ops manager told me!!!!! I got the job because of my background.

    All the reports on this website are the opinions of the people posting them and the majority are of the opinion that the course is a waste of money.

    In a democracy majority rules I’m afraid.

    Be good






    I am NOT employed by ROVWorld in any way. I am someone who was persuaded to part with a large sum of money to do the course with Subnet. It it MY opinion that the course is useless and a complete waste of time. It is also MY opinion that Gordon (Owns and runs Subnet, otherwise known as SubSh*te) will be of no help to you when looking for a job because he knows he can’t. He probably knows the course is rubbish and as long as you pay you pass. NOT what employers are looking for. The course appears not to be respected and you’ll feel a stupid as I do for doing it if you go ahead and do it. I was 1 of only three people on the course with any work history in electonics or hydraulics. I would expect an ROV course to be restricted to people that have a history, whether academic or vocational, of the relevant skills. If this was happening the industry would not be flooded with trainees who don’t know the first thing about a resistor and making life difficult for those who do.

    If, as others suggest, you may work for Subnet, you may take this as feedback. Not that I would expect anything to change.

    Craig Roberts

    there is an introduction course in Perth Australia the contact is Bill Evans
    ROV Course Coordinator, WA Maritime Training Centre – Fremantle.
    all of the applicants CV’s are sent to the Ops managers of DOF, Technip, SS7, TMT, SubMec, Fugro and some others who rank then in employability, the only have around 40 positions per year and all of the grads get jobs, the company I work for has around 12 guys off of the course from the last 3 years, most have worked out well.

    here is a link for those interested


    on the other hand I have had two guys off the Subic course who were crap, no background checks to get on the course, just $$$

    hope it helps


    So i see that Subnet is not the place to train!!! from the feedback on the forum ,i was about to part with some $$$ to them,any one have good reports about Subnet,
    The 3 in 1 course seems a waste of time,anybody booked the rov pilots course direct through IDESS,what if any certs Subnet issue!


    Hi, Why stay away from the Blue Rock resort ? women or drink? got to be one of the 2 i take it.

    im in subic at the moment doin the rov pilot tech course. its good fun, just stay away from the blue rock resort. you can get in real trouble if your not careful! its cheaper than doing the course in oz and uk and you get loads of flying time. you can do night dives and wreck dives which are both heaps of fun


    Blue rock is a great place, the locals and expats are a great bunch. Tommo will make sure you are looked after, the dive shop is good now having been upgraded, have a chat with Mike in the shop about diving if thats what you want.

    HOWEVER, if it was me and I was doing this all over again I would NOT go and do the ROV course there. If I HAD to do one it would probably be with Bill Evans over in Freo. When you compare the two you will see why.

    The Subnet course WILL NOT get you a job, but you background and some self motivation will.

    Keep Smiling


    I agree with cabledog , do not waste yopur money on these expensive courses, i am working with a great young trainee here at SS7 who spent £10,000 on courses at Fort William ,he is ex army and very motivated but the courses were a complete waste of his money. we can teach him all he needs on the job ,its how i got into this industry, i walked into canyon workshops and asked for a job with my technical background they gave me a chance then i proved myself .


    Hi guys, been reading through these threads on the above subject of Subnet in Subic,…well, i have 2 friends who did courses there last year, they did them at different times, and to this date none of them are working, prob various reasons why, not one of then could not even change a plug on a kettle….and still couldnt, the course they did, which i went through on the return of one of them seemed very basic to me, i was due to go out thee myself shortly after them, the thing that really startled me was the attitude of the company, mainly gordan i believe, there was quite a few short cuts being taken, some very dangerous too, ref the their offshore survival, he said it was all done in less than a day, which was suposed to have taken them around 3 days, and at the end of the course, having done aprox 7 hrs flying time, they filled his log book out as 72 hrs flying time !!!!, thi he said was done for everyone !, i personally told him to put a decimal point between the 7 and the 2 !!, has anyone else come across any of these practices too ?



    Hi guys, I also been reading through these threads on the above subject …well, i have one question regard training. I do have technical background but I want to book myself a course ( 3+ 1 ) in Singapore ( Cynergetix ) so I was wondering does anyone know anything bout them, if so I would like to here some feedback if posible..?? I stay in New Zealand. I did my medical and offshore ( BOSIET )


    SUBNET now there is a company who puts money before quality. Under no circumstances pay money to these people for your training course. I went on their course early 2008. There were 11 on the course. The practical flying time we received in Subic was 5.5HRS !!!! yes 5.5 HRS total over 3 weeks. The course was a disgrace. Everything which was run by IDESS was fine anything touched by SubNet was a disaster including the hotel and taxi bookings.

    Gordon Sherry has no interest in your future and although he practically guarantees jobs after the course, (and says SubNet will do all they can to help) the truth is, they give you an email list with about 5 companies on it and wave you goodbye. I have a job now, but it was absolutely nothing to do with Subnet, and the company I work for believe Subnet to be very poor, and do not favour trainees from Subic.

    And for your info, do not be fooled by the IMCA guidelines, they are exactly that, and when I questioned IDESS about the course flying time they said the guidelines were not there as rules!! (5.5HRS flying time …Total in 3 weeks).

    Do you call that a good practical course Subnet?




    sorry pi*t and got the wrong f*****g forum 😳

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