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Training course in Philipines

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Training course in Philipines

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  • #13195

    This course did not make me an ROV supervisor in 6 weeks flat

    You will probably need to say that again to yourself a few times over the next few years.

    Thanks for the report though.

    Minimum of 4 years is what it SHOULD be to "become" a supervisor…

    Only had ‘learn fast or get run off " When I started, no courses or internet forums… These new courses must be the real deal though.. Just imagine they can turn out a fully fledged know it all ROV guy in only 6 weeks..Who’s dead keen to work for peanuts and can fix, fly and everything. Took me 6 years to get to be a Supervisor and 14 years (give or take) later I’m still learning.. Guess I must have been slow 🙄 From what I have seen it takes a lot more than a course, a tech background and many other abilities to make a decent ROV guy. Nobody has written a definative book and very few of the guys I know have similar backgrounds.. It really does take all types.. and if you turn out not to be one of those types all the courses and education won’t help.. There is more to working offshore than most guys realise.. and it ain’t for everyone.. The attrition rate is huge and if I had a buck for every Johnny who arrived onboard never to be seen again I wouldn’t need to keep working.. 🙄

    Scott Beveridge

    Minimum of 4 years is what it SHOULD be to "become" a supervisor…

    Don’t think so Scot, the number of supervisors I’ve had that couldn’t write their own name without a spell-checker!

    After all it took 4 years (minimum time) to obtain my trade (electronics), after which I started at the bottom.

    If you are going to approach the ROV business as a "tradesman" i.e. become proficient in all aspects of operation and maintenance then surely becoming a "foreman" i.e. supervisor, after 4 years is unrealistic.

    It is apparent from this topic that people are obsessed with flying hours to the detriment of technical training.

    I consider myself a newbie after 4 years in the ROV game (and most of my working life at sea) but my comment would be " If you can’t effin fix it don’t even think of flying it".

    Australia is always short of Filipino baristas!



    Over the past … say… 10 years, there’s been far too many "one year wonders" that were actually upgraded to "stupidvisors" slots…. Long Pinnocino noses really helped FAR TOO MANY ANAL orifice workers to enjoy their benefits of such noses….. and the result is ? I farq que, you farque mee! Whilst year after year, the systems get more farqued up and clients get more farqed with the sheeite services…. Who the farq are they (Pinnocinos) trying to kid?….. Good rant….. feels good like a strong coffee laxative….. You possibly can’t have a come-back to this even being an Aussie….. And yes folks, (re: anal orifice workers…) it’s me again!!!!

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