Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Transocean ART Program

Transocean ART Program

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Transocean ART Program

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  • #3684
    brian mcritchie


    While I was waiting for the ROV world to start recruiting trainee puke’s like me I thought I’d throw my CV around.

    Because I’ve got an Electronics degree, Transocean got in contact with me saying I may be considered for their ART program (Accelerated Rig Training) program. Looking into it, it seems you do a 36 month training program to get to engineering supervisor.

    Anyone heard of this program and have you any optinions on it. Have found very limited info on it. I presume there will be aptitude tests up the ying yang during the interview process??

    Anyone got any experience of this?



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