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Trying to get a start…

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    jason laverty

    Ello all,
    First post on here. Please be gentle…

    Had my first interview yesterday with Fugro for the position of a ROV tech. trainee. Interview went well and my qualifications and background seem suited to this type of work.
    Only problem is that the starting salary is fairly low with a "day rate" paid on top of this for offshore work.
    Now the job I am currently in pays £26k which I and my family can get by on, but what I need to know from anyone who has been through this trainee period, is what can I approxamitely expect to earn during this trainee period?
    Would really like to take the job if i get it, but cant afford to drop too much in salary as have mortgage and a young family to feed.
    Any feed back will be appreciated. 😉

    Andy Shiers

    I would say you would work offshore for atleast 183 days so add that to the standard pay you are getting to get the basics .
    It is up to you to "Get by " with the least amount being paid.
    Keep ya mouth shut about pay rises and graft when asked ! normally everyone gets bonus or double bubble if they go over the promised days offshore and Christmas or New year ! Do them and get a reputation for being reliable FOR ATLEAST TWO YEARS !
    Then you can discuss extra money ! By that time you have either "got it !"
    Or you ain’t in the flying skills . If ypou ain’t then change ya proffesion !
    Good luck ! 🙂



    very eductaional lostboy.

    and exactly how long were you offshore for before your first payrise or promotion?

    I’ll bet it wasn’t two years.

    And very few companies pay ‘double bubble’. Some don’t pay xmas and new year bonuses either.


    I would imagine you’d earn roughly the same as your current job. You can do the maths.
    Get an appraisal off your supervisor (or superintendant) every trip and as soon as you’ve done six months with the company start making noises about promotion.

    If they don’t get you off trainee within a year, seriuosly consider moving somewhere else. Most agencies will consider you after a year with a major, then you can decide what your willing to work for.

    Keep copies of all your appraisals to use as evidence if you do decide to move.

    And pay no attention to the lostboys, etc. They’re all a bit bitter at ‘the system’ and tend to take it out on trainees as they’re an easy target. They’re usually fairly toothless offshore though.



    I’ve just taken a job with Fugro and reckon the pay works out to be about 28k. In the interview they seemed to think that the ‘trainee’ period would be no more than a year and there may be pay increases as you progress. I think that any pay rises may be used as an incentive to get you to get your on the job training done. Which sounds fair to me.

    Any thoughts Ray?

    Don’t forget that you may get your tax back, but I believe this takes a couple of years.

    Good luck, I might see you on the course in April.




    I started out 12 years ago and made more than your old job in my first year and rates have gone up since then.

    It is a good time to get into the industry now as times are busy. It is not for everyone but worth a try if you can hack being away from your family at least half the year, then again you do get more quality time with them when other guys that work on the beach are doing loads of overtime at nights and weekends.

    You should be looking at nearer £40K and up with some experience under your belt, you just need to look at the pay scales on this web site which is a little out of date due to all the negotiations around at the moment.

    All the Best


    jason laverty

    😀 Thanks for all the replies chaps.

    I worked out the rate to about £28k going by the figures that where quoted at the interview but was not sure if this was going to be achievable or just a interview ploy to hook you in.

    It does look like it is a job that has the potential to earn some good dosh.

    So fingers crossed that I have passed the first hurdle. 😉

    Matt, did you have to wait long after the interview for a reply?



    Nah, just over a week. It came in the post.

    I think you’d have to be a right numpty to not make a reasonable wage once your started. Fugro, or any of the others for that matter, aren’t going to have you sitting around at home more than they need to. Theres lots going on offshore and they need all the guys/gals they can get out there.

    How do you feel the interview went?


    jason laverty

    Personally I felt the interview went very well, but you can never quite tell. 😕

    I feel that if it was based just on qualifications and experience in electrical/mechanical engineering then I should be sorted, but I am sure that Mr McKay also takes a lot more in to consideration, such as attitude and temperament. After all we will be working in a pretty harsh environment both mentally and physically so I am sure they know what personal qualities are also required.
    So, you reckon a week or so. That is not too long.
    Thanks for the heads up.
    I will let you know how I get on. 😉

    Ray Shields

    Personally I felt the interview went very well, but you can never quite tell. 😕

    I feel that if it was based just on qualifications and experience in electrical/mechanical engineering then I should be sorted, but I am sure that Mr McKay also takes a lot more in to consideration, such as attitude and temperament. After all we will be working in a pretty harsh environment both mentally and physically so I am sure they know what personal qualities are also required.
    So, you reckon a week or so. That is not too long.
    Thanks for the heads up.
    I will let you know how I get on. 😉

    Stumpy, I assume he told you the pay rates and offshore allowances. If not PM me and I will let you know what they are (at least at present). Dave does take a lot more into account. As a trainee I would not count on 183 days during the first year, it can be a lot less as there are limited places they can slot you in till you get the experience.

    The paycut when you first start offshore can be a killer, but if you can make it through the first year – year n half, it does get better (assuming you can do the job of course!). You have to do the maths n see if your finances can cope, if you can, it will pay off in the long run.

    If you get the job, youll be on the course with myself n flymatt on April 9th in Aberdeen 🙂

    Andy Shiers

    Ah , Yes , pay no attention to me 🙂
    You asked for straight talk and I gave it !
    I did not say you will or will not get a payrise ,. I said that after two years you SHOULD have enough experience to turn around to the company and ask for more money.bearing in mind that prior to that you are in no position to dictate anything !
    By all means go on the mercenary circuit after two years because you should HAVE by rights ! experience 8)
    Yes , when I started Rovhumpty , I took a huge cut in pay to get my leg in the door ( so to speak ) But the difference then was that there was NO work due to an oil crash ! and I needed anything 😯
    Now we have a boom 🙂 Big difference in the pay too 🙂
    Oh , and I really enjoy my job , It’s not just the money 🙂 Also another BIG difference 😯
    And yes bonuses ARE there for everyone over the Crimbo and Yule period
    Read this website and job offers on the last festive period if ya dunna believe me !
    Good luck on your job seeking 😀

    jason laverty


    I am like a sponge at the moment , taking it all in and holding, so I have taken on board what you have said as you obviously have read the book and got the T shirt 😉
    This sort of info is why I have joined the forums. You have to build a picture of what type of career you are trying to break into and listen to what is good about the job and what crap you can expect, as every job has its "why am I doing this?" moments.
    Up to now, I will quite happily take a cut as long as it is short term, to help me get a foot in the door. I really didn’t come here for the dough alone, I think it has got to be one of the most interesting engineering jobs available and cant wait to get my teeth into the technicalities of an ROV.

    Like I said, I have to get my foot in the door first, so wish me luck. 😉

    Andy Shiers

    Already have dude 😀

    Joe Cochrane


    I’ve just completed my first year with Fugro. Like you i thought i would be taking a pay cut but at the end of the year i’ve made about 30k for 190 days. Are you sure your figures are correct? there is a pay rise once you’ve completed your probationary 6 months so maybe you need to take that into account. Rays the man to contact if you need to know any more.

    As of being a trainee, i’m still one after a year dispite being recomended every appraisal for PT2 so expect it to be longer than that whatever they tell you. The managers ignore you when you try to contact them too. All in all it’s worth you taking the job because the course is good and if you can knuckle down and get through the year it’ll all be rosy.


    If I was still a trainee after more than a year I think I would be knocking on some doors big man!You only need 180 days offshore to jump to P/T 1 going by imca guidelines.

    Ray Shields

    If I was still a trainee after more than a year I think I would be knocking on some doors big man!You only need 180 days offshore to jump to P/T 1 going by imca guidelines.

    As you said – GUIDELINES. Not hard and fast. Too many people look at the calendar and say "oh, 1 year, I am now a PT2" or whatever.

    It is about if you can DO the job, not HOW LONG you have attended.

    However, I do also agree that some people are kept down a grade far too long, but there are also some people who should never be promoted (and I know Joe aint one of them 😀 )

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