Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Trying to get a start…

Trying to get a start…

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Trying to get a start…

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  • #10112
    jason laverty

    Got my acceptance letter this morning 😀
    It is going to give me great pleasure, handing in my notice to my present employer on Monday morning 😉
    All I have to do know is pass my medical and get my head down for some serious training 😕
    Mrs is happy for me but I also think a bit apprehensive at me leaving her for weeks on end., so am I if I am truthful 😳
    Thanks chaps for all the info. It was a great help.
    Hope I will get to have a pint with you on the beach sometime. 😉


    Well done Stumpy, see you on the course, references permitting.


    Andy Shiers

    Good luck Stumpy 🙂

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