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Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions UHD or XLX?

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  • #17736
    Andy Shiers

    In other words ………………………… An engineers nightmare 😯
    It appears, ROV manufacturers do not keep up with the RnD and feedback from offshore operations but rely on Think-Tank nerds on a computer 😕 Aaargh , Same as usual then 🙁
    Spartans had the same problem with overheating in Iran ! Shut doooooowwwnn . 😆


    Had probs down in india with the xls motor overheating……….back off the system pressure and it worked no probs:-))))
    meanwhie a certain other rov manufacturer on the vessel alongside went through several motors:-(((( and it wasn’t schilling……….
    THe cabin setup for the xlx ain’t the greatest and i prefer the xls control shacks..much more room to get at things.Having the monitors all at one end means it is a bit of a b*ll ache getting behind the console. Especially if you are circumferentially challenged:-)))))

    Andy Shiers

    Rotund maybe 😆


    Schillings top of their game ,well not with there pan and tilts they aint bad desgin got some kind of ceramic bushes that are suppose to stop vibration or cushion the shock on the tilt system they work for at least one hour then crack and worse still the actual mount for the cameras has 2 holes that has an alen screw for tightening against the pins ,great idea ,but once this happens instead of round hole it turns oval ,not much use for trying to grip a round ss pin is it ,and its titanum so your basicly F**ked ,what i saw of the T XLS system the control van was top range plenty of space and the console moved forward for easy access suppose it depends what company has them .


    was that xls or xlx? cause trust me i have been round the back of the xlx console and there aint plenty of room!!! xls yes as the monitors sit roughly in the middle of the shack!! i know it slides forward but not that much!!
    perhaps they have changed the design for individual companies??
    You might need to get behind there when the hmi blades power cable gets disconnected due to it moving around in the chassis!! Some nice brackets required there:-))))


    the only other complaint on uhd i heard of was interfacing rs232 systems with non-standard baud rates (9600, 8,1,N) to the nodes -apparently it was a total fag. it was on their very early release control software and they ironed that one out with a software patch.

    i’d never heard of the umbilicals overheating before though. ouch. what was it – too much m.l umbilical on the drum and too thin a conductor up the line?? did they ever overcome that problem mudflap?? – new umbilical or just spraying the drum with water?

    schillings expandable node architecture is very interesting and from what Ive seen at davis, they have some very good engineers !

    Jason Garic

    Last word was the consoles would be installed into the vessel. No shacks.

    Reading up on the UHD, they’re providing a vacuum fill system. This was very time consuming when I did this years ago. Any thoughts?


    the only other complaint on uhd i heard of was interfacing rs232 systems with non-standard baud rates (9600, 8,1,N) to the nodes -apparently it was a total fag. it was on their very early release control software and they ironed that one out with a software patch.

    i’d never heard of the umbilicals overheating before though. ouch. what was it – too much m.l umbilical on the drum and too thin a conductor up the line?? did they ever overcome that problem mudflap?? – new umbilical or just spraying the drum with water?

    schillings expandable node architecture is very interesting and from what Ive seen at davis, they have some very good engineers !

    we had to set up a freshwater washdown of sorts on the wench to keep it cool.
    apparently, the slip rings were not designed for a large system. when they built it, they just used whatever they had in the shop. we have a 200hp system and Schilling was loading 100 or 150 hp setups on that system. needless to say we had to change out the sliprings on wench and tms. after 2 sets of sliprings, we all figured out that they needed to be upgraded. another problem was the speed sensors on the SubAtlantics. we had a terrible time with water intrusion on the thrusters. finally, schilling and subatlantic said to turn the speed sensors over (????).


    Last word was the consoles would be installed into the vessel. No shacks.

    Reading up on the UHD, they’re providing a vacuum fill system. This was very time consuming when I did this years ago. Any thoughts?

    its slow but it works somewhat.

    Jason Garic

    We’ve got two 4km XLS w/ Deep Down winch. Perry mentioned overheating during the build process. So the winch has a SS sprayer system in the core of the drum. The only thing that we’ve seen overheat is the winch drum motor.

    Andy Shiers

    I take it you havna been shallow on a hot day yet 🙂


    Surprised nobody has mentioned the tethering out/in problems and all the upgrades Schilling has done to the TMS.

    Biggest problem I saw between Allseas and Acergy setup was Acergy kept Schilling techs onboard till all was sorted.

    Allseas did not have the tech support and few employees..reying on some agencey lads who were so intimidated and could’t be bothered to read up.

    Having worked on both UHD, and modified Acergy version I can see the merit in the design but a vehicle is as good as the lads the work on it.

    If your going to be spooked and throw the tools down because you haven’t seen something new before you might consider a carreer change.

    Work class evolution is on the uphill curve as is alot of the industry.

    You dead in the water if you don’t even have the applicable attitude or learning tools.

    In the days end product realiability and support have put Perry where they are.They obviously swaw Schilling make the move to their own vehicle and got their finger out.

    The competition is ggod for the industry and even better for the lads that can work on both.


    another problem i had with the UHDs are the plastic connector for the hoses on the comps. the would work loose after a few dives. i found that if i didnt tighten them up after a few dives then we could have water intrusion. bad design on schillings part. we put in an Etool but havent heard back yet.

    hey mudflap – if you email me the etool number – I can get that brought to surface this week (so I’m told!!).

    Is this one of the kynar parts? did you ever resolve the problem?


    another problem i had with the UHDs are the plastic connector for the hoses on the comps. the would work loose after a few dives. i found that if i didnt tighten them up after a few dives then we could have water intrusion. bad design on schillings part. we put in an Etool but havent heard back yet.

    hey mudflap – if you email me the etool number – I can get that brought to surface this week (so I’m told!!).

    Is this one of the kynar parts? did you ever resolve the problem?

    i will see if i can still access schilling with my old password. i have since left the previous company. i had been in contact with Wayne Barber in houston about it.

    Jason Garic

    Thanks to all who gave input. I’d still like to keep this discussion going, as I believe we are just scratching the surface of what it’s like to operate each of these systems.

    -UHD joysticks are an option now.

    Thanks again,

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