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Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions UHD or XLX?

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  • #17751

    There are a number of things on the UHD that needs to be changed to make it a good ROV. The most important are unstable software, temp.issues puck quality and TMS design.

    Will post more another day when my brain are not under influence of a bootle of Gran Reserva red wine.

    See ya!

    Ray Shields

    Decent monitors is definately a priority. The quality of some of the Flatscreen monitors being sent offshore these days is terrible, so much flicker and smearing. Rubbish with video.

    Touch screens – no good when you have oily fingers!


    slayer – be very interested to hear about software instabilities, in terms of temp issues – what are these relating to? umbilical thermal issues or actual components onboard the uhd control system – is this topside or subsea?


    Anyone been deep with an XLX yet? Just a bit concerned about the Prizm / Focal kit being in oil filled JB’s, re, change in attenuation etc..

    Also I agree with the other posters about the XLX shacks, looks good but a bit of a nightmare to get access behind the console, also the third seat is jammed in at the back of the container next to the AC and transformers, ie. Nae space and noisy…

    Incidently the company I work with has just taken delivery of an XLS from Slingsby’s with a Slingsby TMS, Definitly the best match as the Slingsby TMS is miles better than the Perry Kit…


    i am heading to Norway this week. we have Schilling Reps on the ship. i have some questions that i would like to ask them and see this control room layout that we are getting. UHD 14 had a HORRIBLE layout. a 28ft van with PDU on one side and a very cramped control station on the other end. not very smart for having the servers, avitechs and other equipment right next to the PDU. of course, that is my personal complaint 8)
    i will ask about some of the things previously written about and hopefully can have answers in the next few weeks.

    Andy Shiers

    28 ft control van 😯
    Bloody hell 😀 and I thought a 15 ft control van was small 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    28 ft control van 😯
    Bloody hell 😀 and I thought a 15 ft control van was small 😆

    It’s a control closet!!!! And some of us have a REAL difficult time with it!!!!! What were they thinking???? Management, TAKE NOTE: YOU try working here!

    🙄 🙄 😕 😕


    mudflap – you got any pictures of the UHD 14 container??or a general layout diagram?? How many people can you use in it before it gets unbearably hot/damp and the aircon starts to struggle?

    Scott Beveridge

    mudflap – you got any pictures of the UHD 14 container??or a general layout diagram?? How many people can you use in it before it gets unbearably hot/damp and the aircon starts to struggle?

    Define "unbearably hot" – above 20 degrees C 😆

    Perhaps mudflap has the problem we do… ALL personnel besides the copilot must LEAVE the closet so there can be a pilot change out.

    Once again… management take note… A 20 footer would just about do it… Re: the next purchase


    My God, change Pilots, you guys are lucky, my last job there was me and me and me, and 2 guys there did not know what was up and down.


    mudflap – you got any pictures of the UHD 14 container??or a general layout diagram?? How many people can you use in it before it gets unbearably hot/damp and the aircon starts to struggle?

    i dont have pictures but here is an artist’ (me 😀 ) rendition. now we all know why i have to go to sea every 6 weeks.
    obviously, this isnt to scale, sorry lol.
    on the right is the console, it has both seats and we are VERY close together. right behind that are the racks and the door. one problem that happened was: schilling installed a door to the control side but when it was opened, it was hitting the DVD player on Rack 2 so we had to remove that. now, when ever someone opens the front door, you are blinded and loose your night vision for a few minutes. we tried placing a dark room curtain there but it didnt help much. any behind the racks is a small area about 18 inches across to the PDU. across from the PDU is an Xformer and a fold down desk with a wall mounted computer. its tight for 2 people. we sometimes have 3 inthere but when the company man wants to be involved, its pretty easy to figure out that someone didnt shower.

    | | | | R| | |
    | |PDU | | 1| | |
    | ————————— | | | |
    ___________|Xformer | |
    |__________\ \__________________


    that didnt come out right at all

    Scott Beveridge

    My God, change Pilots, you guys are lucky, my last job there was me and me and me, and 2 guys there did not know what was up and down.

    Obviously time to move out the door,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 😕

    Andy Shiers

    I think , ‘The Management’ had the ‘Tardis’ in mind Scott 😀


    An update to my previous post:

    I could write pages up and down about pro’s and con’s of the UHD. Some should be looked into before buying anything from that manufacturer. But since I would like to keep my job I deside not to display them in public.

    To SkinnyMe : If you are really interested in the details, send me an PM.

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