Home Forums General Interesting Websites UK Border Agency -Report an illegal worker

UK Border Agency -Report an illegal worker

Home Forums General Interesting Websites UK Border Agency -Report an illegal worker

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  • #3158
    James McLauchlan

    Report an illegal immigrant or other offence

    If you know someone is breaking immigration laws, for example by being in the United Kingdom illegally or by employing an illegal immigrant, you can email us to give us information about it. We may not be able to acknowledge your email but we will pass it on to the local immigration team in the appropriate part of the country. Where appropriate, they will investigate and take action.

    To enable us to send your information quickly to the local immigration team closest to the offence you are reporting, please help us by putting the specific place (for example Croydon) or the specific postcode (for example CR0) in the subject line (title) of your email. Please also try to give us as much information as possible about the immigration offence (for example names and addresses), to help our investigation.

    We treat all personal information as confidential. This means we will not tell the person involved that you contacted us. It also means that we will not be able to tell you what was done as a result of your information.

    Email: UKBApublicenquiries@ukba.gsi.gov.uk

    More at: UK Boarder Agency Website

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