Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) UK ROV Industry & RMT Uni0n membership – Please Vote!

UK ROV Industry & RMT Uni0n membership – Please Vote!

Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) UK ROV Industry & RMT Uni0n membership – Please Vote!

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  • #1233
    James McLauchlan

    [code:1]Note: When discussing this subject if you use the word Uni0n anywhere you must replace the letter ‘o’ with the number ‘0’ or your post will not be accepted by the system. It’s a security measure that I won’t go into right now.[/code:1]

    Judging by the long running poll on this website (featured on the front page)

      * A Maritime Uni0n was indicated as the Uni0n of preference by just over 50% of the 350 odd people that voted on the matter.

      * The next closest preference was an Engineering Uni0n at just over 19%

      * 4% (ish) said they would join another Uni0n (other than Maritime or Engineering)

      * Around 20% said they would not join any uni0n.

    So, how many people here who work through the UK (North Sea or elsewhere in the world through a UK based company/agency) are RMT members?

    If you work through the UK please vote and/or comment.
    If you do not work though a UK based company/agency please do not vote.

    For this poll it would be beneficial for those who work through the UK but are not RMT Uni0n members to vote so that a fair result is obtained.
    If you are in a UK Engineering Uni0n you should vote ‘no’ in this RMT poll.

    This is purely an attempt to establish where the UK ROV industry is at with regard to RMT Uni0n membership.

    You might wonder why a UK Engineering Uni0n was not part of the vote.
    No real reason other than this is just a check on UK RMT members, of which I am one.

    If you are a UK based Engineering Uni0n member and wish to carry out the same check for your Uni0n of choice please feel free to add a new post and poll on the subject.

    Equally if, for example, you are based in say Oz or the North America you may wish to try the same approach.

    Andy Shiers

    I’ll Join your uni0n 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    I’ll Join your uni0n 😀

    Sorry, I can’t – door shut on me toes…


    I am in the "rov beer swillers union" branches all over the world!

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