Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals UKOOA Medical & Survival Course (Extra Info)

UKOOA Medical & Survival Course (Extra Info)

Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals UKOOA Medical & Survival Course (Extra Info)

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  • #68
    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum

    Read this

    Quote from recent course joining instruction sent by RGIT Montrose

    Quote: “Following recent changes to UKOOA (United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association) guidelines, may we draw your attention to the following statement contained within the new guidelines:

    UKOOA medical may be taken after commencement of training but should be satisfactorily completed prior to the trainee being required to undertake any strenuous activity which might expose him or her to an element of risk.

    Please note that RGIT MONTROSE Limited no longer has a medical facility. For offshore medical bookings/enquiries, please contact ARK Occupational Health on 01224 584584.
    If you are attending a 5-day Universal course, you are advised to have a European medical i.e. Norwegian or Dutch.

    The decision as to whether you comply with the guidelines lies with each individual and not with RGIT MONTROSE Limited. As part of our usual enrolment process, we will continue to medically screen all attendees prior to starting the course “ please note that this process is not connected with a UKOOA medical examination.” End Quote


    My comments (James Mc)…..
    The last paragraph is a subtle way of saying…

    Don’t turn up pissed… they may ask you to leave! :-/

    James Mc

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