Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions Update from Sumburgh Helicopter Accident Response (SHAR) | 2

Update from Sumburgh Helicopter Accident Response (SHAR) | 2

Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions Update from Sumburgh Helicopter Accident Response (SHAR) | 2

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  • #6430
    James McLauchlan

    Please find attached an update from Sumburgh Helicopter Accident Response (SHAR) which embraces the work of Oil & Gas UK and Step Change in Safety in response to the helicopter accident on the 23 August 2013.

    Questions on this should be directed to sumburghresponse@oilandgasuk.co.uk.

    Sumburgh Helicopter Accident Response (SHAR)

     Description: Sumburgh Helicopter Accident Response 2013-08-29
     Filename: sumburgh_helicopter_accident_response_290813_106.pdf


    Ray Shields

    And the news now is that all variants of the Super Puma will be put back in operation – because some poor people have been offshore for almost 3 weeks and it is a risk for them to carry on working so long dont you know!

    They dont even know yet why it fell out of the sky! At least the L2 will not be used for passenger carrying for the moment.

    James McLauchlan
    James McLauchlan

    Here is another snippet I picked up by way of comparison between the UK and Norway on helicopter safety.

    In the years 1999 to 2009 there was twelve helicopter accidents in the North Sea. Of those twelve, eleven was on the Uk side and one on the Norwegian side. None fatalities in the Norwegian accident, the number of fatalities on the UK side was 34 fatalities in three of the eleven accidents. Total hours flown in the same period was 7,8 million on the Norwegian side and 6,1 million on the UK side.

    Total man hours flown was 7,8 million on the Norwegian side and 6,1 million on the UK side.

    Source: http://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/522069-as332l2-ditching-off-shetland-23rd-august-2013-a-7.html#post8010262


    Hi Guys,
    Please find attached the latest bulletin.



     Description: Bulletin
     Filename: aaib_speci_s7_2013_176.pdf


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