Home Forums General Danger Zone! UPS – Delivery delayed since 4th December!

UPS – Delivery delayed since 4th December!

Home Forums General Danger Zone! UPS – Delivery delayed since 4th December!

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  • #3446
    James McLauchlan

    In my in-box today…

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Service Manager Olive Blackman [mailto:help@ups.com]
    Sent: 15 April 2010 01:03
    To: ROVworld
    Subject: UPS Delivery Problem NR.9394579


    Unfortunately we failed to deliver the postal package sent on the 4th of December in time because the addressee’s address is not correct.
    Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our office.

    United Parcel Service of America.

    There was a .zip file attached. UPS invoice 88237.zip (46KB)

    I declined to open it.

    I’m amazed that it’s taken UPS since the 4th Dec to realise that they failed to deliver the package 😯

    We weren’t expecting a delivery from UPS, but I’ve sent them our full address anyway in the hope that there is $10,000,000 in the package 😉


    I got one from the Royal Mail, today with similar text. More than likely a attachment.

    Wednesday, 14 April, 2010 23:38:27IMPORTANT: Royal Mail Delivery Invoice #1092817
    From: Royal Mail <delivery>Add to Contacts
    To: honworkoceanras@workocean.com

    Royal_Mail_Delivery_Invoice_1092817.pdf (112KB)


    We missed you, when trying to deliver.

    Please view the invoice and contact us with any questions.

    We will try to deliver again the following business day.

    Royal Mail.



    James McLauchlan

    and another one…..

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Service Manager Mickey Capps [mailto:parcel@ups.com]
    Sent: 14 April 2010 23:37
    To: merlin@alcconline.com
    Subject: UPS Delivery Problem NR 70213.

    Dear customer!

    Unfortunately we were not able to deliver your postal package you have sent on the 18th of January in time because the recipient’s address is erroneous.
    Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our office.

    United Parcel Service of America.


    Found this on the net:

    UPS Delivery Problem NR
    I haven’t seen one of these for quite some time, and it’s a nasty one.
    As you can see, this loathsome spammer included a virus as an attachment to this e-mail message. More specifically, the “FakeAlert” trojan which generates phony messages that pop up one their screen making the victim believe that their system is infected with a virus (kind of ironic, eh?) and then tries to convince them to purchase some useless virus-removal software. It also creates shortcuts to porn sites. How lovely!
    As you can see, my anti-virus program detected the virus from this message and removed it before it even reached my in-box. This spammer is obviously an amateur.
    Nice try scumbags, but this time, you lose.


    Yeah, my mate got a similar thing a couple of days ago. Unfortunately he was waiting for DHL to deliver his new passport. The email arrived with a DHL tracking label attachment which was zipped. So assuming that it was genuine tried to undo it – it was a .exe file and contained the horrible virus.

    But the good news is – its pretty easy to get rid of, automatically or manually.

    Sometimes a reload to a previous date clears it. A good virus checker should catch it or you can google for XP defender pro and find lots of free info about removing it – a bit long winded and you have to piddle around with registry entries etc.

    But anything that is an exe file that you have not asked to be loaded – be wary.



    A very good friend of mine got one of these a while back. He was just about to head off-shore, was expecting a delivery and opened the email.

    The virus caused major snags on his LAptop obviously, to a point where it took the manufacture’s helpline guys to sort it.

    Ok, so he heads off shore, and a month later finds his bank account empty!!! Most transactions where internet based, but…. they also used his phone banking service, transfered money from his other accounts into his so they could take that as well.

    All told they got £7,000. This virus is nasty guys, be careful. It has taken a few months to get it all sorted and he has got his cash back. 🙂

    Keep as little info as possible on your computer concerning banks etc etc.

    Keep smiling


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