Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions US & Canadian Oil & Gas workers wages on the rise

US & Canadian Oil & Gas workers wages on the rise

Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions US & Canadian Oil & Gas workers wages on the rise

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    James McLauchlan

    Couple of interesting stories on the front page of the site today.

    15% rise in Canadian oil and gas professionals wages

    US oil and gas salaries remain resilient and globally competitive

    Judging by previous feedback Oz seems to be doing well on the wage front too.

    I wonder if similar news will eventually come out of the UK sector?

    James McLauchlan

    The survey further reveals that US based professionals, combining local and ex-pat labour, is once again in the top five paying countries (alongside Australia, Canada, Norway and The Netherlands).

    According to the USA report the UK is not deemed as a top paying country for Oil & Gas wages and yet it must be right up there for cost of living!

    Craig Thorngren


    I downloaded their "report" or rather survey. What is interesting is the categories of job occupation. They are so vague that what you are seeing is multiple disciplines being combined with totally unrelated one (i.e. Divers and ROV Pilots of all grades and categories).

    I’m also curious how many people they sent their survey out to. If it was just an open link on the internet that anyone could respond to, then their "survey" data is pretty much useless for statistical purposes.

    What really caught my eye was they are also a recruiting/job finding group. If they wanted to increase their pool of canidates, what better way than to say "things are picking up" look at this survey, come join our ranks…

    Maybe I’m being to cynical, but I’m just a little leary of their two "news" articles…


    James McLauchlan


    You make a few valid points. I didn’t try and analyse anything. Just posted the news and commented, here in the forum, in a small way.


    I work on/off with 6-9 Canadian guys and they are not paid very well for a start, and they have to pay tax as well even if they stay away from Canada for more than 185 or whatever days

    James McLauchlan

    I work on/off with 6-9 Canadian guys and they are not paid very well for a start, and they have to pay tax as well even if they stay away from Canada for more than 185 or whatever days

    Same as the USA as far as I am aware. I predict it’ll be the same for the UK, Oz and NZ at some point not too far down the line as well.

    Todd Sparkes

    Rates in Canada have increased substantially BUT it depends on which Canadian company employees you. Rates are lower in the US than in Canada but they haven’t dropped in the US except for a few companies which were over paying non-qualified guys in the first place. Canadian companies as a rule do not hire contractors which can be bad and good. Rates are dictated by the company. As for contractors in the UK I see a lot of rates have dropped and I can only assume due to some personnel taking lower than normal rates and setting a president for the industry in that sector.

    Craig Thorngren

    Just a little warning… if you sign up to get the "survey results and report" you will get a sales call shortly thereafter…

    IMO the report isn’t worth it, so to help avoid others getting the unsolicited calls, here’s the report.


     Filename: oilsalary2011_201.pdf


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