Home Forums Miscellaneous Odds and Sods Victoria, Canada – River turned fluorescent green!!

Victoria, Canada – River turned fluorescent green!!

Home Forums Miscellaneous Odds and Sods Victoria, Canada – River turned fluorescent green!!

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    James McLauchlan

    Goldstream River Turns Green.
    (Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada)

    On Wednesday December 29th 2010 this Canadian River located in Victoria British Columbia mysteriously turned bright NEON GREEN.

    VICTORIA — Horrified nature-lovers at Goldstream Provincial Park watched as the Goldstream River turned bright green late Wednesday afternoon.

    The fluorescent green colouring appeared to start about 500 metres on the Victoria side of the entrance to the park and, over the course of an hour, the substance flowed down into the environmentally sensitive estuary.

    By 5:30 p.m. the river, known for its dramatic salmon runs, eagles and other wildlife, was back to its normal colour.

    Ministry of Environment teams were immediately sent to the area to investigate and members of Langford Fire Department collected samples for analysis.

    No dead fish or animals had been found by early evening.

    Earlier in the day a fountain beside Veterans Memorial Parkway in Langford also turned bright green, said Langford Fire Chief Bob Beckett.

    Victoria Times Colonist

    Read more: http://news.nationalpost.com/2010/12/30/victoria-river-mysteriously-turns-bright-green/#ixzz19hFcGNyO

    See more images on Flickr

    Click this text to see a You Tube Video!


    Looks like pipeline leak detection dye

    Or else some serious algae bloom…..

    James McLauchlan

    The environmental people are erring on the side of leak detector.. apparently not overly toxic to fish etc.

    Wade Berglund

    To early for St. Patrick’s Day!

    I am sure there are a lot of very upset tree-huggers out on Vancouver Island over this. I have been to that park many times and it is a very nice place to take hikes and just go for a quiet walk.

    Very interesting, I agree with you James….. it could have been some government led field biology team from Environment Canada doing a small local study and erred on the amount of dye to use and it leached into the sub-terrain water table. They have had a lot of snow out there this year.

    Nice picture though!

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