Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner What is the best way to get into the ROV industry?

What is the best way to get into the ROV industry?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner What is the best way to get into the ROV industry?

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  • #9997

    Sorry for opening a can of shit boys…


    Can’t see what all this fuss is about personally ❓

    Surely if a school leaver can be given a weapon and get sent to a war zone then they can work offshore. There’s no difference between a young guy/girl going offshore and a young guy/girl starting any job onshore.

    Some school leavers do have the right potential and its up to the interviewers to filter them out. Admittedly they’d be better suited to salaried positions where their skills can be developed and enhanced by their parent company. At the end of the day we will find new people offshore, regardless of age and they’ll be learning from us so why not make them welcome, help them through the learning process and watch them become the next generation of PTs and supervisors.

    I’d welcome anyone who has the motivation, character and potential regardless of age or gender. Lets face it, some guys out there act like children and have been getting away with it for years…… 😆



    No worries Mechtech,

    No apology needed 😉 ,Every situation and person is different. Unfortunately for us the office boys dont always weed out the unsuitables…Which does get worrying when some one puts in his cv he is fluent in english, when he isnt, and then pulls the umbilical out of the sub cos he couldnt understand "winch out". 😯

    But the office fellas/girlies do get busy and this is taken into consideration so im not havin a go..we cant get them all!!!

    The Gulf is heatin’ up nicely….Grrrrrrrr!

    Andy Shiers

    I agree with Pictish and mechtech on this subject and I’m ………well not so young but not that old either 🙂
    You want to get a job offshore ? no probs .
    Send your resume to the ROV companies and ring them up once a week to see if they have any vacancies.
    Go on salary with them for a couple of years , keep your eyes open , your mouth shut and your ears open , do as you are told whether you think its right or not ( The supervisor will get it in the neck if it goes tits up not you ) ask questions and NEVER ( as an old wanker said to me when I was doing the apprentiship ) say you can do something when you know you do not understand fully what is supposed to be done !
    See ya in a couple of years on the circuit !
    If after a couple of years in the industry your still a muppet with hardly any experience on the sticks it means maybe two things………….
    A/ The supervisors have decided that you are a danger to the system and therefore not to be trusted on your own.
    B/ You cannot grasp the spacial awareness needed in order to not get the tether in a knot.
    I suggest you try an alternative profession.
    You cannot say that my views are biased but honest.
    Good luck 🙂

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