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What to learn on?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner What to learn on?

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    A quick question aimed at the pilots who have been out there and done it! For a student what would be the best ROV (not too specific) to learn on? What did you all learn on doing your courses? The reason I am asking is I work for a commercial diving school and we are looking into starting ROV training. I am trying to get as much info from people who have been "at the coal face" rather then what the ROV companies will try and tell us. We want to be able to give the best training we can so any info would be appreciated.

    One option we have just looked at is a Deep Ocean Engineering Vector M5 fitted with a HLK-RHD5 arm and sonar. Is something like this too much or maybe not enough??

    Any ideas or input much appreciated.


    Dafydd Phillips


    What’s your ROV background daff?


    Triton XL work class ROV. Not only has it been the workclass workhorse for quite a few years now but a lot of the newer ROV’s are based on it with obviously some upgraded bits.

    However for a worst case senario and to really have the trainees pulling hair out get an MRV.

    Subserv used to have a little eyeball Apache vehicle run out of a van which for a training tool is pretty good. There are a lot of different systems out there and ROV introduction courses can only ever really be just that, an introduction keep it simple and straight forward. Get the basics right: fault finding techniques, spacial awarness, safety and attitude and the rest will fall into place.


    Hi Sedco

    My background is an avionics tech who has spent the last few years both working as diver and also teaching said diving. My ROV background is pretty limited. Only really been exposed to an old Benthos Mini Rover MK2 we use on our dive site now and then. That’s basically why I am after the info!



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