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What’s James Mc been up to?

Home Forums General General Board What’s James Mc been up to?

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    James McLauchlan

    I’ve been a bit distracted over the last couple of years.. probably down to earning a living, but it’s looking like I may be able to devote more time back into the site..

    Oh… the forum days of old.. remember that?

    I can sense the momentum coming back as I write 🙂

    Ray Shields

    Why, have you got a new Bath Chair?

    Is Gina going to go back to the Eagle and keep you in the style of living you deserve, or you just having a break 😀

    Scott Beveridge


    You can do both – work and the forum if you get a cruisy job. The dayrates are finally getting up there…


    Your efforts are always appreciated.
    We wouldn’t have our comfy "local" to winge and whine at if it weren’t for you. (Where else could the blokes slag each other off …. on the divers’ site?)

    I hope to soon hear of fair-sailing from you.


    Andy Shiers

    I’ll join your Uni0n James 😀

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