Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements Where have all the jobs gone?

Where have all the jobs gone?

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements Where have all the jobs gone?

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  • #1117

    Why can’t any of the agencies get us guys out for a pre-Xmas trip.

    Plenty offers for over Xmas & New Year though. Just to be expected I suppose.


    Chill out matey. It’s traditionally seasonal in the North Sea. It kicks off in earnest in mid jan/feb. 🙄

    Go spend those duckets and wipe out your mortgage! 😯

    Ray Shields

    The whole point of Agency is to fill in gaps for companies. It had always been the case that you get more money Agency than salary because the work is infrequent and intermittent.

    As it has been very busy over the last couple of years, it may have been forgotten that there isnt always work for Agency people. Especially as companies have been taking on so many new people on salary.

    Agency people especially have to be good at planning their finances. You have to remember the money you earned this month has to cover you next month as well. Dayrate and Agency always looks like youu get massive pay cheques but people forget it has to cover the non-work time as well.


    subserve are looking i beleve


    The agencies are always looking for CVs. It dosen’t mean they have any work though. Anyway I am registered with them and they have nothing at present. Happly I can always go back to my old trade when its quiet so not too worried.


    I recently spoke to a couple of agencies. Basically all the company staff are wanting Xmas off so they are all trying to fill the jobs now which lowers the vacancies at the moment but there will as you say be tons of work over christamas itself. Shame cos I just finished on a job early cos were damned efficient and now would not mind a couple of weeks work but hey I could also just have a long vacation…………………….


    bluestream are looking! said it elsewhere I know….

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