Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner which are the Benefits of Seamen’s Book?

which are the Benefits of Seamen’s Book?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner which are the Benefits of Seamen’s Book?

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    Toby Toselli

    Good Evening
    I have the Panama’s Seaman’s Book, I made it as request from my company, but I don’t know really which benefits comes from this Seaman’s Book.
    I heard something likes you have a discount for flight booking, simplifications at the customs, it’s true?
    Someone could please explain to me which are the benefits (taxes,flight,visa,customs,etc…)?
    Many thanks!


    p.s. I hope to had posted my topic in the right fold forum.

    Ray Shields

    The main benefit is to the company, as they can get Seafarers rates for you on the plane, sometimes cheaper (not always) but very flexible and cancelable. It does not allow you to go and buy cheap flights for holidays 🙂

    You get Seamans Cards and Seamans Discharge Books. The discharge books are the ones you try and get the ship to stamp to show you were working on the vessel (not all will stamp as you are not technically on as ships crew). This can be used as evidence of working offshore and being out of the country should you be able to claim your tax back.

    You do not necessarily have to have a Discharge book to claim tax back, but it makes it simpler.

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