Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Will a degree help?

Will a degree help?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Will a degree help?

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  • #6423

    Usual story. I have many years experience in electronic engineering (hands on) and a Telecommunications degree.
    I have BOSIET, MIST and Medical.

    What are my chances?

    I was considering the 3 week course in Fort William, but after reading this forum, i’ve been put off a bit.

    Honesty will get you everywhere.


    Roy Simson

    Hi Mike

    You only have to read the the archives on this forum to find the answer to your question .
    At the end of the day your cv will sit on someones desk with a few other thousands all trying to get a foot into the rov industry .

    Think of it as playing the lottery some do a course and within a short time there in however there are many others who paid out over 10k and are still looking after 2 years ,Just take your time and go through the archives on this web site and your see the debates that have gone on before .

    So should you wish to spend a few thousand pounds on a nice certificate please do so , But will it help you find a rov job I don’t think so .Best you send off to all the main line Rov company’s your experience in electronics & Hydraulics and if they find your back ground is suitable your be put into one of there in house training programs . But there are thousands of trainees like your self some with courses and some without .

    At the end of the day luck plays a big part , Your Cv could be the one out of all the other thousands .

    Good Luck



    Whereabouts in Scotland are you based? cv to careers@savante.co.uk


    Whereabouts in Scotland are you based? cv to careers@savante.co.uk

    Based in Erskine, next to Glasgow Airport

    CV sent.


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