Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner will the credit crunch effect my chances of getting a job?

will the credit crunch effect my chances of getting a job?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner will the credit crunch effect my chances of getting a job?

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    Daniel Woodhall

    Hi again all

    i have posted a while back on here for some info, Im currently an electrician serving in the royal engineers. I am due to leave around may time next year and really want to gain employment in the rov industry. My question is, is the current state of the world economy going to effect the offshore industry? and consequently my chances of getting a trainee position?

    Thanks for any help


    James McLauchlan

    Hi Danny

    A good indicator of the way things are going is to keep any eye price of of the barrel of oil (Brent crude for example). If that stays buoyant then in all likelihood the industry will remain busy.

    If the world economy crashes & burns (we haven’t seen that just yet), industry will shut down and the need for oil will reduce and, as a follow on effect, this will depress our industry somewhat.

    Keep checking in back here. You soon notice a change in posts if things start taking a turn for the worse.

    You are getting out at the right time of the year so that will help your cause a little. You might want to take an industry recognised high voltage course between now and then. I assume your RE training/apprenticeship has given you the benefit of industry equivalents certs… NVQ, City and Guilds etc.

    Best regards
    James Mc
    Ex-RE (Plant Op Mech)

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