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Work ROV operator

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Work ROV operator

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  • #3546

    Greetings Community!

    First time on the forum, have not yet figured out the rules, so do not scold me if you have not written there. 😉

    I am 41 years old. I have a higher technical education, received in 1994 (Department of AMS, electronics engineer). Before the day of today’s engaged in programming, computer technology, metrology (more – its organization).
    I want to ask the professionals (at the operators, and from the agents): after the course ROV course can I expect to get well-paid job? What and where better to take courses? What courses are more valued when applying for a job?
    P.S. I forgot to mention that I have a great maritime experience. However, on military ships


    Welcome Wenger to the forum I think if I was you I would read ROV Rookie Corner as most of the information you will find there .

    But in short now is not a good time to start thinking about rov work because there is hundreds if not thousands of experienced guys sitting on the beach and I mean guys who have 10 – 15 years in the game .

    So if your thinking of paying out for a rov course your find it a waste of time I am sure your be told the same thing over and over again .
    So if I was you I would stick with your current job maybe things might get better in a few years time but at the moment its very slow for every job your see on this forum there must be 150 plus people chasing it . As for rates there as low as 400 USD a day for a P/T with 5 years experience which if you work out is 11 GBP per hour , Tescos pay 8.50 GBP and time and a half for working past 10.30 pm and your home every night .

    So best of luck !



    Welcome Wenger to the forum I think if I was you I would read ROV Rookie Corner as most of the information you will find there .

    But in short now is not a good time to start thinking about rov work because there is hundreds if not thousands of experienced guys sitting on the beach and I mean guys who have 10 – 15 years in the game .

    So if your thinking of paying out for a rov course your find it a waste of time I am sure your be told the same thing over and over again .
    So if I was you I would stick with your current job maybe things might get better in a few years time but at the moment its very slow for every job your see on this forum there must be 150 plus people chasing it . As for rates there as low as 400 USD a day for a P/T with 5 years experience which if you work out is 11 GBP per hour , Tescos pay 8.50 GBP and time and a half for working past 10.30 pm and your home every night .

    So best of luck !


    Thank you!

    And all those people about whom you wrote, are ready to work on ships at sea for 2-4 months for the money that you said?
    And why so high price ROV courses in the presence of so many professionals?

    James McLauchlan

    Thread moved from ROV operator requirements to Rookie Corner.

    James McLauchlan

    And why so high price ROV courses in the presence of so many professionals?

    A very good question. Maybe a few ROV schools might like to answer that one!


    And why so high price ROV courses in the presence of so many professionals?

    A very good question. Maybe a few ROV schools might like to answer that one!

    Schools are the answers to these questions are not waiting. Inquiring professionals.

    Well, then it and the next question: what are the professional levels ROV-operators? And: what companies use ROV? Well, at least 20 positions?

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