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Working for Technip thru UKPS

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements Working for Technip thru UKPS

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    Just wondering if it was the norm to only get 50% travel rate if you go on a job for Technip UK through UKPS?

    I thought this sort of shit was gone, but looks like some companies are still trying it on?

    Been offered some work with them, but looking for feedback on the above travel rate from regulars on here.



    I have worked for Technip through Rumic and Another Agency and was paid Full Day rate all days.

    If you have the choice tell them you want Full day Rate all days or you are not interested there is loads of work presently.

    Ray Shields


    Just wondering if it was the norm to only get 50% travel rate if you go on a job for Technip UK through UKPS?

    I thought this sort of shit was gone, but looks like some companies are still trying it on?

    Been offered some work with them, but looking for feedback on the above travel rate from regulars on here.


    All companies will try it on – tell them door to door full rate or no way.


    Work thru UKPS for Technip few times a year and they paid ful day rate door to door.

    Going off for SubServ Pro and they also pay full day rate.

    Few times I have experienced other was with a small contractor.

    No need to take any less…chances are you might be straight on deck after a few days traveling!

    Andy Shiers

    Simple Northseahero , Don’t take it !
    You are through an agency , Door to Door , full rate expenses paid and if you have to wait for the money a whole blinking month charge 20 % for the hassle ! They charge a whole lot more to the client !
    Lets look at this thing , shall we.
    In all the years that I have been through agencies , And I went through a few , UKPS being one of them , It makes me laugh the excuses that were given for late payments and contractual requirements !
    You don’t have to have that many brains cells to find out what the agency is charging for your services , I’m pretty sure you can find out from Technip what is being charged as they would be more than willing to get you to go direct, They have more control on you then 🙂
    Agencies get greedy or they don’t get paid on time by the client !
    You , (Although you are the one earning the money for them) are at the bottom of the money ladder !
    Door to Door , all expenses paid directly after the contract or charge a percentage for the inconvienience of having to wait for it 🙂

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