Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Zoned or un-Zoned

Zoned or un-Zoned

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Zoned or un-Zoned

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    Most contracts I see asked for zone II containers, but then on the rig they put your container in a non-zoned area and never even ask to see the certificates for the zoning.

    I know in the North Sea everything is to the hilt but my contracts are not in the North Sea

    The difference in cost between a zone II container and a standard container is about $50,000.

    How many locations have you been to where the containers for working from were zoned or in zoned areas?

    Andy Shiers

    The spec’s safeguards their arses on the insurance scheme so whether you put it or they put it in one zone or another the safety aspect is in place in their procedures.
    The plus side of having ones container in a non-zoned area is that you don’t have to have all the pressurization plugged in.Which can be a pain.
    If the oil company is in the Northsea aswell as other parts of the world then it stands to reason the whole company assets would have this in place. You will find that other oil companies around the world will try to follow suit to keep to a standard practice………… Unless of course it is with the Italians……………… Then you just pay them to look the other way and put it anywhere you like 😀

    James McLauchlan

    How many locations have you been to where the containers for working from were zoned or in zoned areas?

    I have been on plenty of jobs where the container was originally designed and constructed as a zone 2 rated unit for operations in a hazardous areas however, more often than not on mobilisation the zone certs were not requested nor did client request that the zone 2 protection/shutdown systems be tested. This still often is the case no matter where the shack is placed… ship, rig or otherwise.


    it`ll need to be zoned if it`s going onto a platform.


    That is sort of what I mean. They say that they want Zone 2 in the contract but then you get to the site and it seems like the people there aren’t sure what passes for "zone".

    I know an off the shelf Zone 2 container is about $100,000 and takes 4 months to deliver.

    Seems like once you put your cabin and LAR in a safe zone then you could swim to where you need to be.

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