90 days?

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    I’ve been looking at working outside the UK sector, I have been told that if you spend 90 days or less in the country you don’t pay tax if your working outside of the UK sector, is this true? I am a young guy and would rather spend my tax money on going on holiday in my time off if I dont have to pay it?

    Thanks in advance.


    Is this such a obvious question that i dont deserve a answer? :S



    Hi. yep, its true. 90 days in the UK or less and no tax.

    If you dont register as an expat with the inland revenue then you have to pay tax and claim it back.

    If you do register and theres certain conditions such as having lived abroad for a certain time period then you will get a tax code which means you can earn money without paying any tax 8)


    be aware that this area is a mine field. Domicle rules, half days in and out etc.

    Get EXPERT advice on this, do not ask the tax man it will screw you up!!!!! check out Savante’s post from before and you will see how ugly it can get.

    Any update’s on how you are getting on Sav 😀 or 🙁

    Be good,


    8) Got rebate!! 8).

    Chuffed – level 10. Took time though and I have some additional gray hairs now.


    Good news mate, nice to see someone getting something back for a change 😯 😯 😀


    I spend longer than 90 days in the UK per annum and always claim back my tax.

    Isn’t it a case of spending 183 days per year out of the UK?

    It is a minefield indeed, hence the reason I use a reputable tax service, saves any hassle



    it depends on the type of rebate.

    As I understand it, this is not a legally binding description, is:

    Non resident: You can have less than 90 days in the country but you must have a foreign address and convince the tax man you are registered to the country you claim you are living in.

    Seamans tax: You have to work on vessels over 12 miles off the coast of the UK for over 183 days in one year there are half day rules and things tucked in there but as long as you are on ships in regular rotation it is not that difficult oh yeah and get a good accountant.


    However they do count as days if they are in a foreign country or far enough offshore.

    This means that if you do maybe one or two drill support jobs a year then you can use up your tax allowance takes up that time so you still pay no tax.

    That is my understanding of the situation. I think 🙄


    It does beg the question – is it worth going PAYE to eliminate all this bull ?

    You’ve got to put a price on the amount of time and hassle of doing daily battle with HMRC !!!!


    when i was working in Telecoms and engineering in the UK I used LTD companies and a good accountant in 17 years only paid a Total £ 8305 Tax on about £600,000 earnings. The last few years i have never spent more than a maximum of 4 months in UK in one year so have not paid any tax , I have lived in Thailand since 1997 and dont pay tax there either.


    Holy Sh$t dude,

    Send me his phone number, my las accountant when doing the telecomms stuff had us paying the CIS tax twice 😯 😯

    The new one has gone back over the last 3 years accounts and it looks like we have approx £45 thou coming back. As usual with the revenue they are taking a little time 😯 to get it back to us. 😳

    Keep smiling

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