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Advice needed

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    Rod Brisby

    Good morning or what ever in your part of the world.

    I am looking for advice as to who is still in the industry that supplies small eyeball type ROV capable of carrying Low light camera, scanning sonar, beacon. Thinking of Seaeye, Seaeye surveyor, even small manip would be handy. Working parameters max 30 meters, 1-1.5knots, low viz. watching monitoring task. eazy peazy!!!!
    I used to use OT2K years ago but see that they have gone /been taken over etc.
    The kicker is that it needs to be in Asia area, Japan, Singapore, Thailand or Air transportable.
    So there it is, any help would be appreciated.
    Rod B

    Craig Thorngren


    We’ve been doing this type of work for years. Feel free to PM me for details.



    if you can get hold of a decent seaeye surveyor they are one of the best free swimmers around and so easy to maintain .. you need a skid for a hydrolek type manip ..I will have check around for you with some asian connections ???

    Rod Brisby

    tried the pm system and it was rejected, go figure that one out!!!!

    Try to pm me someone to see if that works!!!!

    Deep Trekker

    Check out Deep Trekker ROVs. They can be brought as checked baggage on planes. Everything you need is in one carrying case.
    The spherical shape is unique and will have no problem in the currents you describe. Manipulators, sonars, lighting etc can all be added.
    The batteries are internal, so there is no need for topside power. They last 6- 8 hours on a 1.5 hour charge. If you require more, there is a "hybrid power" option.
    The DTG2 Worker ROV includes the manipulator, depth rated to 150m and can add on many different options. http://www.deeptrekker.com/product/dtg2-worker/
    Let me know if you have any questions! I’m happy to help.

    Andy Shiers

    Any company with a S.E Tiger for Eyeball work , There are plenty around !
    Try Mermaid or Seascape Surveys

    Andy Shiers

    Either TMS’d or Live boating.
    Another way would be to get in contact with Saab Seaeye direct and speak to Mat bates , He will know where all the ROV’s are in the world , who owns which and which company

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