Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion AGR Australian positions – visa versus citizenship

AGR Australian positions – visa versus citizenship

Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion AGR Australian positions – visa versus citizenship

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  • #4680
    Sit Rep

    As I’m not permitted to post this question in the Operator Requirements forum…

    I’d like to ask: why AGR, in their latest post, are seeking people to work in Australia with Australian visas but are not asking for people with Australian citizenship?

    I have my suspicions but it would be nice if AGR could answer the above question.


    James McLauchlan

    That’s a fair point.



    Apologies it has taken me this long to get back to your valid point.

    As an agency we where informed by our client that all personnel required to work in Australia must have an Australian visa. However they did mention to us that an Australian Citizen is valid also.

    So my question back to you is –

    Will Australian Citizens not hold a visa??


    Australian citizens will not need a visa to work in Australia.


    Yeah i have just looked into this also. Nationals who live in Australia and are citizens will be OK for work in Australia. However they must either have a visa or citizenship.

    Hopefully this has cleared up any issues.

    Dean Humphrey

    Brilliant. Just to clarify then. For an Australian citizen to be considered they must either:

    a) have citizenship or
    b) have a visa (which they wouldn’t require because the clue is in the description "Australian Citizen"!)

    love it!


    Brilliant. Just to clarify then. For an Australian citizen to be considered they must either:

    a) have citizenship or
    b) have a visa (which they wouldn’t require because the clue is in the description "Australian Citizen"!)

    love it!

    Or be a Kiwi, we can live, work and play in Aussie with no visa. 😆

    Sit Rep


    Thanks for your, eventual, reply.

    What I would like to know is whether the client:

    1. is registered as an Australian business i.e. has an ABN,

    2. declares income and deducts tax from employees at source i.e PAYE

    3. pays employer Superannuation (NI equivalent) contributions at 10% or higher


    4. pays Australian industry rates (posted elsewhere on this site) in Australian dollars to an Australian "tax declared" bank account?

    If, as I suspect, the answer to any of the above questions is no, then I believe that the company is operating illegally as we have already seen in the news last year i.e employing workers illegally on business or tourist visas

    And yes you are right kiwitech but even you should pay tax in Oz at source and redress the balance when you get back across the ditch.




    And yes you are right kiwitech but even you should pay tax in Oz at source and redress the balance when you get back across the ditch.


    Yep pay aussie tax (much worse then NZ taxman)

    Stephen Black


    are you the union rep ?
    Do you work anywhere else other than the western isles ?

    Andy Shiers

    Great……………. I hope that we can also put this up for people working in British Isles , Only people who are British can work in British waters. Non Bristish need not apply……………… That’ll clear things up won’t it 😯

    Sit Rep


    No, I’m not the union rep and I’ve never worked in the Western Isles although what that has to do with this discussion eludes me. I have, however, worked in other parts of the world (although not the UK) and have abided by the conditions in force at any locale.

    My interest lies in maintaining the conditions that were fought for in Australia or we will indeed end up like the UK, GOM and other suchlike un-desirable places.

    Additionally, employers in Australia are supposed to abide by legislative conditions agreed between the workers, the employers and the government, irregardless of the type of industry. It stands to reason that if someone is willing to undercut these terms it affects the industry as a whole and turns a "level playing field" into a race for the bottom; and we’re back to where we started.


    Stephen Black

    The purpose of my questions was to detemine if you are a hypocrite.

    Many of your follow country men are working all over the world and not paying the local taxes and doing the locals out of work.

    I get annoyed when a group of people protect their own patch by preventing the free exchange of labour and then go and rob other people of their jobs

    Andy Shiers

    Beeman……………. I totally agree with you !
    Bloody Hypocrites 👿

    Andy Shiers

    As I’m not permitted to post this question in the Operator Requirements forum…

    I’d like to ask: why AGR, in their latest post, are seeking people to work in Australia with Australian visas but are not asking for people with Australian citizenship?

    I have my suspicions but it would be nice if AGR could answer the above question.


    ………………..Maybe because they feel that a more professional experienced person from the UK would be better for the job 😀

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