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    Anyone had an interview with Fugro/rovtech? If so whats the content ,got a feeling electronics leads the way, any tips

    Ray Shields

    You are asked a few basic questions depending on your skill set (electrical or hydraulic), there is no technical test or anything.

    Interview is done by one HR girl and one of the managers.

    usual questions, why you getting into ROVs, where do you see yourself in a few years time, why did u leave your last job, will being away from home for weeks at a time be a problem, and guarantee you will be asked in the interview "would you mind working in Nigeria?"

    The last trainees didnt think anything of the question at the time till they realised they had ALL been asked and wondered why! They know now 🙂


    The only thing in life that is certain is death and taxes to modernise that phrase you could say the only thing that is certain in this industry is Nigeria and Norway.

    Are a lot of guys being sent to Africa at the moment Ray?

    If you have any experience in the industry the overall interview procedure is a little less intense.

    Ray Shields

    No, only one job but because its a big thing for some people, I guess thats why they ask.

    Which is a bit stupid, because your never going to say no during an interview anyway, you’ll agree to anything to get started and then moan/fight about it after 🙂


    Cheers box of toys.
    Ray and jim sounds like you two been in the business for long time how long ? did you do a trip to Nigeria, so whats wrong with Norway is just the temprature. 😥 :cry:.Thats what its like when your not working.

    Benny Edelman

    Merkatt you should pay attention:
    The two certainties are death and taxes .
    Nigeria took the first one, what did Norway take?
    Anyway, apart from being heavily taxed, it is expensive.
    Otherwise it is a beautiful country, friendly people, nice place for a run ashore if you are not a heavy drinker and do not use too many taxies.
    Waterside cafes in Stavanger, Kristiansand etc. on summer days are great places to pass an afternoon.


    Norway is a fantastic country and you are ok if you pick up a job where you are not on a client contract i.e. mobilisation or trials alongside as you are not liable to the tax. When I was there last year it was lovely near Oslo even got a suntan which was amazing.

    As for Nigeria I have a family so would not even consider it. On top of the kidnappings, murders, rip off customs officials and police the internal flights have been know to disapear over the desert on occasion.

    I have been in the industry around 7 years Ray was a pilot when Pontious was around I think. (Thats Pontious Pilot from the Bible for the heathens)

    Andy Shiers

    Wooden tops 🙂

    Ray Shields

    Nigeria – I’d never go there in my life! Because I probably wouldnt have one for very long.

    Norway – spent a few years working there. Its expensive, tax is high if you work there but its a great place, great people, and you dont feel it THAt cold when its -20 LoL!

    Norwegian boats are great to work on, they have all the latest and best accommodation/facilities etc.

    The women also pick you up and take you back to their place 😀 😀


    When I was interviewed it was really just a discussion about what I could bring to the company and what they could do for me. Was asked about my strongest skills/attributes and as Ray mentioned, if I would be prepared to travel to Nigeria lol! Also got asked how I was working at height which I still haven’t figured out why yet . . 😕
    Also had a discussion about my previous employments and the skills that these required and how they would help in ROV’s plus details of a few different projects I had worked on and the role I played in them.
    The manager had a quick run through of the skill sets, (Mech, elec,hydraulic, welding etc) and asked my competancy/experience in each of them.

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