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  • #634

    I’ve recently moved from the survey side of things over to ROV but have limited experience on actual ROV’s, I gained over 60 hours flying time on Seaeye systems (Cougar Panther 905/+) although most of this was gained whilst I was a surveyor. I don’t really want to blag my way into a job but am having trouble getting any replies when I’m honest.

    Any suggestions?


    Blag it…sensibly tho’ 😉


    60 hours sitting on your *rse flying a pipeline with the trims on doesnae count wee man!!


    Tis true but im still claiming it. There’s worse pilots out there with way more experience!
    Im not too bad on the tech side either.
    Still a lot to learn but I gotta start somewhere

    Andy Shiers

    Keep ringing them up Every other day.
    Talk to the Girls not the cheese head 🙂


    ‘Tis true but im still claiming it . There’s worse pilots out there with way more experience!’

    Every other trainee claims it as ‘flying time’ so keep on plugging away at the companies. You’ll get a break i’m sure.


    Would I be better with an agency, do they take on people with my experience (lack of). I was kinda avoiding this cause I don’t wanna be out of my depth (pardon the pun)

    J Deans

    Would you go to an agency to hire a trainee plumber to fix your boiler or would you expect to be paying big bucks for someone who knew what they were doing?


    Would you go to an agency to hire a trainee plumber to fix your boiler or would you expect to be paying big bucks for someone who knew what they were doing?

    i am sure that made sense when you wrote it?

    honesty is the best if you are upfront say that you were scummy surveyor but at every opportunity you flew the rov (or even just sat in the pilots chair) which was etc etc , you have offshore experience , you have your tickets , really you should be able to get a start.

    the guys you worked with can they not put a word in for you, a word in the right ear can be worth more than anything else.

    good luck

    also agency’s have been known to send out fresh green just out of a box trainees but better to work for a company any company for a couple of years for experience and some stability.

    Andy Shiers

    Stanley , putting it in honest plain speak .
    Keep plugging your name to the ROV companies and good luck 🙂
    But if you go through an agency and I find out that you are greeny
    ( trainee )
    I’ll drop you like a hot potato 👿
    You have no business going through an agency , your not experienced and it is an insult to people that do go through an agency.
    Certification, Schools or not The first place that needs to change are the W"£kers that put Greenys out on jobs through agencies.
    Keep plugging Stanley on the Rov campany door.
    Again , good luck 🙂


    Cheers for the advice, thats the main reason I don’t wanna go with the agencies, I know it creates extra work for everyone else and generally p*sses people off who are on the same rate as you but have to do your job, can’t blame em!!
    Think i’ll stick to the trainee route

    Donnie Cameron

    Best way do do it is sit in front of the person who hires and fires. Sending emails and cv’s is all very well but these days tens of email come into these guys every day. If you’re sat in front of the guy you’ve more chance of getting a straight answer on the spot.
    Make a bunch of appointments and get in their faces. I think you’ll get a result.
    Good luck.

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