What effects are the shutting down of Grangemouth and the Forties pipeline having on offshore ROV work? I would presume some work is at least getting delayed. Are a lot of guys getting sent back to the beach until it’s all up an running again?
Too true, I believe it was probably not the best thought through thing in the world. But it is my personel belief only.
You never know there might be the odd valve that might stick or something exciting requiring Intervention to keep the rovs busy over the summer, won’t help the oil price, but then the dollar rate isn’t helping that either at the moment.
Oh I can imagine what will happen. They will close the flow down for a while and when they start it back up it will be blocked with hydrates or such like and need to be pigged/cleaned delaying the startup even more.
Luckily our petrol comes up to my part of the world via tanker ship No shortages here.