Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Fugro on Geomaster?

Fugro on Geomaster?

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Fugro on Geomaster?

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  • #8481

    What SSR are putting about is a big effort to deflect attention from the fact that they spent somwhere in the region of £6-8 million pounds to recover £2million pounds worth of copper. Take a look at their share price to see the reason why.
    Yes one of the sealions did have more than its fair share of problems. However it is also true
    that they had major problems with their equipment which they are trying to cover up. The grab did break away from the suspension tube and end up stuck in the hold. The dodgy sealion which never worked according to them entered the hold and cut it free with a grinder in almost zero vis.
    The two slingsby skids were a total disaster. They were constantly breaking down and caused much more down time than the rovs. The fugro crews were landed with the job of repairing them and trying to keep them going although they were nothing to do with fugro. SSR and TS marine crews were conspicuous by there absence at these times!!!
    Another big failing was that they wouldnt stump up for a heave comp winch. This caused more than its fair share of damage to the sealions trying to connect and release a heaving grab!!
    Anyone who knows TDUs would know which way round a stab plate should be welded on. SSR obviously didnt, this caused loads of problems with the docking mechanism as it was never stable.
    Fugro put out the best teams of guys they could and all are pretty peeved after all their efforts that SSR are trying to offload an unfair share of the blame onto them.
    Finally Fugro was not run off the contract was completed
    Hope this puts a fairer light on the project.

    Ray Shields

    Fugro have already complained about how they have been unfairly blamed and have told their boys that they are completely behind them.

    TS Marine obviously have more faith, as they have awarded a contract with the Geomaster and the Sealions


    Award from Weatherford Under 3 Year MSA

    Thursday 19th October 2006

    Contract award from Weatherford, on behalf of Nexen, using Geomaster
    with Fugro’s Sealion 37 WROV

    TSMarine (Contracting) Ltd is pleased to announce they have been
    awarded a contract from Weatherford, under the 3 year MSA, to remove two wellheads on behalf of Nexen. The works are due to commence at the end of October 2006, for a duration of approximately 5 to 10 days.

    The works will be carried out using the Geomaster vessel, which has
    just successfully completed the Subsea Resources Celia project.

    Following excellent working relationships between Fugro and TSMarine
    this year, utilising the Geomaster along with Fugro’s Sealion 25 and Sealion 37 WROV’s working on Subsea Resources deepwater salvage operations during the scope of Celia Project along with other works associated with Well Abandonment, Fugro’s Sealion 37 ROV will be left onboard the Geomaster to complete the works for Weatherford.

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